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Karleen Minney
435 stories
Keegan Carroll
410 stories
Shane Rattenbury
334 stories
Don Farrell
256 stories
Elizabeth Lee
240 stories
Tom Rogers
137 stories
Leanne Castley
111 stories
91 stories
Louise Taylor
85 stories
Jeremy Hanson
74 stories
Mark Parton
66 stories
Patrick Hollingworth
49 stories
48 stories
Elliott Whitehead
48 stories
Peter Cain
44 stories
Leanne Cover
43 stories
Anthony Williamson SC
27 stories
Jarrod Croker
20 stories
20 stories
Elizabeth Kikkert
19 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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12,190 stories
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ACT Policing
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367 stories
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University of Canberra
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67 stories
the ACT Supreme Court
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The Canberra Liberals
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the Australian Electoral Commission
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The University of Canberra
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the ACT Integrity Commission
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Think Garden
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