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Donald Trump
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Joe Biden
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Vladimir Putin
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Volodymyr Zelenksyy
14,272 stories
Nancy Pelosi
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Hunter Biden
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Marjorie Taylor Greene
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Mitch McConnell
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Donald Trump Jr.
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Chuck Schumer
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Dmitry Peskov
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Alexander Lukashenko
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Sergei Shoigu
826 stories
Jay Inslee
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Richard E Neal
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Brian Smith
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Mark Cancian
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Jeff Hawn
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Sim Tack
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Republican Party
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8,263 stories
Roll Call
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3,432 stories
Justice Department
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3,062 stories
2,027 stories
State Department
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Capitol Hill
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150 stories
House Ways and Means Committee
48 stories
Ways and Means Committee
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15 stories
11 stories
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