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The Latest Breaking News from the Scottish Government
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Boris Johnson
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Sir Keir Starmer
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Liz Truss
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Humza Yousaf
3,015 stories
Anas Sarwar
1,069 stories
Stephen Flynn
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Lee Anderson
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Alex Salmond
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Simon Case
513 stories
ShirleyAnne Somerville
198 stories
119 stories
Tommy Sheppard
110 stories
Jamie Hepburn
81 stories
Liz Smith
50 stories
George Foulkes
48 stories
Jackson Carlaw
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Peter Krykant
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Mark Griffin
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14 stories
Gus ODonnell
14 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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European Union
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Scottish Government
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4,643 stories
the Scottish Government
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UK Government
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2,253 stories
the UK Government
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1,362 stories
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Scottish Labour
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the House of Commons
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the House of Lords
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the Scottish Parliament
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Public Health Scotland
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the Office for National Statistics
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The National Lottery
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123 stories
THE Scottish Conservatives
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