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Nicola Sturgeon
5,167 stories
Andy Murray
2,531 stories
John Swinney
1,337 stories
Alex Salmond
656 stories
Lorna Slater
334 stories
Neil Gray
248 stories
Alan Cumming
215 stories
Andrew Wilson
139 stories
Nick Robinson
135 stories
Richard Walker
129 stories
John Nicolson
123 stories
Andrew Marr
110 stories
Jacob Fearnley
83 stories
John Robertson
81 stories
Dorothy Bain KC
45 stories
Colin Mearns
38 stories
Gordon MacIntyreKemp
35 stories
Alistair Wilson
32 stories
Ian Reid
20 stories
Jack McConnell
16 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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read the most diverse news in one place.
European Union
24,176 stories
11,448 stories
Scottish Government
5,525 stories
the Scottish Government
2,612 stories
2,121 stories
The European Union
1,795 stories
951 stories
Daily Mail
851 stories
595 stories
The National
472 stories
BBC Scotland
422 stories
276 stories
260 stories
233 stories
132 stories
Labour Government
64 stories
Team Scotland
64 stories
60 stories
56 stories
Believe in Scotland
51 stories
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