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The Latest Breaking News from Falkirk Council
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254 stories
David Jones
179 stories
65 stories
Lisa Evans
45 stories
John Paterson
43 stories
Cecil Meiklejohn
30 stories
Anne Hannah
23 stories
Robert Bissett
22 stories
Paul Garner
18 stories
Graham Foster
16 stories
Ralph Roberts
13 stories
James Bundy
12 stories
Richard Thomson
12 stories
David Mackay
10 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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11,326 stories
Scottish Government
5,497 stories
Police Scotland
3,733 stories
3,299 stories
John Lewis
1,692 stories
882 stories
Falkirk Council
380 stories
First Bus
227 stories
Trading Standards
129 stories
Health and Safety Executive
106 stories
90 stories
85 stories
NHS Forth Valley
61 stories
McGill Group
16 stories
10 stories
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