Young people in Falkirk who have been in foster care have praised a Christmas advert for giving hope to youngsters who are having a hard time and showing "that there are still people out there who care".
This year's festive advert from John Lewis - featuring a dad struggling to improve his skateboarding skills for a very special reason - has come at a vital time for councils across Scotland as they face a national shortage of foster carers.
And it is hoped it could encourage more people to come forward to become foster carers.
Read more: Early Christmas present for Falkirk charity helping families in need
Members of Falkirk Champs, a group of care experienced young people who are working locally to make the care system better, said: "We loved it! We think it gives young people who have maybe had bad experiences, or a hard time, hope that there are still people out there who care and will make an effort for them.
"We hope that it encourages more people to come forward to offer children and young people who can't live at home a place to feel safe and welcome."

Service manager Sharon Laing was also impressed. She said: "The ad beautifully captured the mixed feelings of excitement and nervousness foster carers feel when waiting to open their homes and hearts to a child.
"The foster carer's willingness to step into the child's world and build connection is exactly what great foster carers do – whether that’s through skateboarding or some other means!
"Most importantly, the wee girl was portrayed with compassion, and without judgement or stigma.
"Moving into a foster carer’s home is a huge step, so we really need carers who can put themselves in the shoes of that child or young person, to try and understand what that person is going through.
"There is a huge national shortage of foster carers, and it speaks volumes that a big brand such as John Lewis are using their platform to highlight this.
The vital role of foster carers - and the fact that there is a national shortage of them - was raised recently at a meeting of Falkirk Council's education, children and young people committee.
Members heard that there are no "quick fixes" for the problem.
It takes between six and nine months, from someone making an initial enquiry to meeting a foster child for the first time.
But Sharon says the lengthy process is vital to make sure that "the carers are the right people to care for our children."
While applicants won't have to learn to skateboard they will face rigorous checks.
Sharon said: "It is very in-depth and perhaps could be seen as intrusive because it does look at financial stability, people's current and past relationships, their own childhood and their own experiences of being parented.

"There has been consideration of whether that should be shorter but actually research has shown that it has to be that in-depth to ensure we get people with the right quality and the skills and commitment to care for our children."
But Sharon says that once people become foster carers many stay with the council for decades.
"We’re so grateful to all our foster carers, some who have been with us for over 30 years, but like the rest of the UK, we are in urgent need of foster carers.
"The training and ongoing support we provide, along with a competitive package of fees and allowances mean that we are in a strong position to support our carers at every stage of their fostering journey."
The council currently has 63 foster carers, caring for 72 children providing a mix of short breaks, interim care for up to two years and long-term or permanent care.
Research shows that, on average, people think about becoming a foster carer seven times before they take the plunge and make the first enquiry, so they are keen to keep the subject in the public eye.

The council leader, Cecil Meiklejohn, said it was important to remember that children come into fostering for many reasons as she spoke of her own experiences.
She said: "I hope people understand the depth and the breadth of fostering. For someone who benefited from the service - albeit 30 years ago - I know that my children benefited from being able to have a bit of normality when dealing with quite a significant illness at the time.
"It's a broad range and it can be a short or long time. And I have to say that I still keep in touch with the foster carers from 30 years ago because they have very much looked after our family and we've shared, over the years, the good times and the bad times."
Councillors also heard that there has been a rise in kinship carers where family members or close friends get support to look after a child.
The meeting also heard that one couple who had spoken publicly earlier this year about their experience of fostering in a bid to encourage others had now left the service - but for a very happy reason.
Sandra and Leslie, who became foster carers to a teenager and were delighted that she settled down with them and began to thrive at school, are now hoping to adopt her.
* In the new year, the fostering team will hold regular monthly drop-in events for anyone interested in finding out more about being a foster carer. The next one will be Tuesday, January 24. For details, keep an eye on the website,