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Wayne Rooney
2,143 stories
Tom Holland
720 stories
Steve Morison
575 stories
419 stories
Ricky Gervais
410 stories
Rob Browne
410 stories
Tommy Doyle
153 stories
Vincent Tan
148 stories
Richard Swingler
86 stories
David Nicholls
79 stories
Ryan Wintle
55 stories
Jamie Jones
50 stories
26 stories
Lee Jones
22 stories
Mark James
19 stories
Joshua Jones
11 stories
Nathan Price
10 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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Cardiff City
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Welsh Government
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1,221 stories
934 stories
798 stories
Derby County
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554 stories
South Wales Police
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Gwent Police
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United Rugby Championship
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74 stories
Media Wales
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CPS Homes
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