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Rishi Sunak
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Sir Keir Starmer
14,211 stories
Nicola Sturgeon
5,166 stories
Humza Yousaf
3,008 stories
Angela Rayner
1,596 stories
Anas Sarwar
1,020 stories
Douglas Ross
996 stories
Gordon Brown
947 stories
Stephen Flynn
697 stories
Alex Salmond
650 stories
Simon Case
513 stories
Ian Blackford
509 stories
Keith Brown
284 stories
Pete Wishart
211 stories
Mhairi Black
187 stories
Caroline Lucas
157 stories
Martin Kettle
153 stories
Jamie Driscoll
131 stories
Angus MacNeil
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David Linden
65 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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European Union
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Scottish Government
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the Scottish Government
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UK Government
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the UK Government
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1,327 stories
Labour Party
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944 stories
the Labour party
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The National
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the Scottish Parliament
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Chatham House
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The Scotsman
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