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The Latest Breaking News from the Scottish Government
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Rishi Sunak
22,182 stories
Sir Keir Starmer
14,961 stories
Nicola Sturgeon
5,169 stories
Humza Yousaf
3,015 stories
Kate Forbes
1,024 stories
Alex Salmond
657 stories
Brian Cox
509 stories
Angus Robertson
316 stories
ShirleyAnne Somerville
198 stories
Joanna Cherry
190 stories
Chris McEleny
88 stories
Enver Solomon
88 stories
46 stories
Alistair Campbell
26 stories
Lesley Roberts
15 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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20,624 stories
11,480 stories
6,026 stories
Scottish Government
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Home Office
4,066 stories
the Scottish Government
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UK Government
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2,301 stories
the Home Office
1,952 stories
the UK Government
1,851 stories
1,365 stories
1,015 stories
884 stories
590 stories
588 stories
the Scottish Parliament
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Social Security Scotland
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254 stories
The Scottish Greens
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the Ministry of Defence
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