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Humza Yousaf
3,015 stories
Kate Forbes
1,023 stories
Lorna Slater
336 stories
Angus Robertson
316 stories
Fergus Ewing
145 stories
Roz Foyer
100 stories
Jamie Hepburn
81 stories
Lawrence Fitzpatrick
70 stories
Donald Cameron
55 stories
Emma Roddick
43 stories
22 stories
Jim McDonald
22 stories
Soryia Siddique
22 stories
Keir Greenaway
21 stories
Willie Watt
13 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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European Union
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6,023 stories
Scottish Government
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3,307 stories
the Scottish Government
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UK Government
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2,125 stories
the UK Government
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The European Union
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1,364 stories
State Pension
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590 stories
West Lothian Council
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Social Security Scotland
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312 stories
192 stories
West Dunbartonshire Council
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153 stories
Scottish Enterprise
142 stories
111 stories
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