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The Latest Breaking News from the Scottish Government
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Nicola Sturgeon
5,168 stories
Humza Yousaf
3,015 stories
Alister Jack
442 stories
Shona Robison
349 stories
Neil Gray
249 stories
215 stories
Gillian Mackay
176 stories
Fergus Ewing
145 stories
Murdo Fraser
124 stories
Tommy Sheppard
110 stories
Stewart McDonald
86 stories
Daniel Johnson
79 stories
Winnie Ewing
67 stories
Elena Whitham
63 stories
Gillian Martin
62 stories
Willie Rennie
59 stories
Sandesh Gulhane
50 stories
Dorothy Bain
49 stories
Dorothy Bain KC
45 stories
Tom Arthur
45 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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Scottish Government
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Home Office
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Police Scotland
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3,134 stories
the Scottish Government
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UK Government
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1,990 stories
the Home Office
1,943 stories
the UK Government
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1,357 stories
1,316 stories
Scottish Labour
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782 stories
728 stories
590 stories
562 stories
312 stories
Transport Scotland
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179 stories
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