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Boris Johnson
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Rishi Sunak
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Liz Truss
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Nicola Sturgeon
5,168 stories
John Swinney
1,351 stories
Kate Forbes
1,023 stories
Douglas Ross
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Van Gogh
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Keith Brown
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Jackie Baillie
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153 stories
Andrew Bowie
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Fiona Hyslop
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Paul Sweeney
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Gillian Martin
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60 stories
Willie Rennie
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Kirsten Oswald
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Derek Mackay
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Liam McArthur
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European Union
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Scottish Government
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Police Scotland
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UK Government
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Daily Record
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Scottish Parliament
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Scottish Labour
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307 stories
Lennox Herald
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Ferguson Marine
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West Lothian Courier
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Public Audit Committee
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Home Energy Scotland
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