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Sir Keir Starmer
14,760 stories
Nicola Sturgeon
5,168 stories
Humza Yousaf
3,015 stories
Anas Sarwar
1,068 stories
Douglas Ross
996 stories
Gordon Brown
951 stories
Alex Neil
723 stories
Stephen Flynn
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Alex Salmond
656 stories
Keith Brown
285 stories
Andrew Milligan
256 stories
Doddie Weir
234 stories
152 stories
Graham Simpson
90 stories
Chris McEleny
87 stories
Jiang Zemin
62 stories
Michael Mason
62 stories
Drew Hendry
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38 stories
Roza Salih
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United Nations
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European Union
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Twitter Inc.
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Scottish Government
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3,827 stories
Police Scotland
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UK Government
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1,362 stories
Daily Record
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948 stories
Scottish Parliament
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Scottish Labour
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House of Lords
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338 stories
277 stories
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Alba Party
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