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The Latest Breaking News from Scottish Government
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Rishi Sunak
22,212 stories
Sir Keir Starmer
14,321 stories
Nicola Sturgeon
5,167 stories
Humza Yousaf
3,008 stories
Kate Forbes
1,016 stories
Alex Neil
723 stories
Stephen Flynn
700 stories
Simon Case
513 stories
Alister Jack
442 stories
Shona Robison
345 stories
Keith Brown
284 stories
Neil Gray
236 stories
Fergus Ewing
143 stories
John Glen
84 stories
Jamie Hepburn
81 stories
Douglas Chapman
56 stories
40 stories
Catherine Murphy
16 stories
Robert Hazell
11 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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United Nations
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European Union
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20,458 stories
11,385 stories
Scottish Government
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5,065 stories
Home Office
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the Scottish Government
2,564 stories
UK Government
2,525 stories
the Home Office
1,917 stories
the UK Government
1,807 stories
1,333 stories
Scottish Parliament
882 stories
Scottish Labour
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The National
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Public Health Scotland
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62 stories
58 stories
33 stories
Common Weal
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