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The Latest Breaking News from Scotland
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Rachel Reeves
3,226 stories
Andy Murray
2,528 stories
John Swinney
1,293 stories
Alex Salmond
650 stories
Ian Murray
316 stories
Robert Burns
216 stories
Josh Kerr
192 stories
Chris Hoy
188 stories
Gillian Mackay
167 stories
Jakob Ingebrigtsen
152 stories
Eilish McColgan
139 stories
Katie Archibald
123 stories
Dan Stroud
69 stories
Oscar Onley
67 stories
Dorothy Bain
49 stories
Gordon MacIntyreKemp
35 stories
Bob MacIntyre
31 stories
Stuart McMillan
26 stories
Jasmin Paris
17 stories
Sam Eljamel
17 stories
From analysis to the latest developments in health,
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read the most diverse news in one place.
11,369 stories
Met Office
7,088 stories
Scottish Government
5,505 stories
5,045 stories
Police Scotland
3,739 stories
2,600 stories
the Scottish Government
2,555 stories
2,328 stories
Network Rail
2,240 stories
the Met Office
2,008 stories
Office for National Statistics
1,978 stories
the UK Government
1,793 stories
1,311 stories
PA Graphics
908 stories
National Insurance
876 stories
869 stories
604 stories
576 stories
399 stories
Scottish Power
295 stories
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