A protein shake is a quick and convenient way to increase your protein intake, but is there an optimal time to drink one? Some people have one immediately after a workout, others prefer one before bed. However, Steven Kahn, a product development scientist at Onnit, suggests there may be a tendency to overthink the issue.
When is the best time to drink a protein shake?
"I don't think there's a bad time to take whey protein," says Kahn. "Ultimately, as long as you're hitting your daily protein goals, that's more important than the timing of anything you’re eating or consuming."
However, Kahn says there could be a benefit in reaching for your shaker soon after your gym session.
"You are going to have a slightly better response to protein immediately post-workout, especially if you're training fasted in the morning. The impact would be a little more elevated because it would be the first food entering your system, whereas if you were to eat a couple of meals beforehand there would already be amino acids in your system. If that's the case, the protein you're getting from that protein shake wouldn't be as consequential."
How much protein should you have a day?
According to Kahn, the amount of protein you're consuming each day is more important than the timing. So, how much should you be getting?
"It depends," says Kahn. "If somebody gives me a straight answer, it's a red flag," says Kahn.
"In the US, the FDA has guidelines for the general population—it's 50g a day for protein—but that's for your ordinary person who is generally sedentary. They aren't going to the gym, they don't have fitness goals and they probably don't consume whey protein.
"The amount of protein you need depends on your goals. I was a powerlifter for a while so my goals focused on building strength and muscle. I've always stuck to consuming 1g of protein per 1lb of bodyweight. If you have a coach or nutritionist, get their input before you start tweaking those numbers."