New Delhi: Eyesight is a priceless gift, and ensures its good health is crucial. Eye health goes hand in hand with general health, but a few nutrients are especially important for your eyes.
These nutrients help maintain eye function, protect your eyes against harmful light and reduce your eye sight. Among these, vitamins play a vital role, offering a natural and accessible way to protect your vision.
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Here are some 4 best vitamins and their natural sources to keep your vision good condition.
Vitamin A: It helps to keep our eyes health in optimal condition. It maintains clear vision, especially in low light conditions and supports the functioning of the retina. Consume these natural sources Cod liver oil, carrot, Mango and Papaya to get vitamin A.
Vitamin E: It acts as a potent antioxidant, protect our eyes from harmful free radicals that can contribute to age related eye conditions. Add these vitamin E natural sources to safeguard your vision Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach.
Vitamin C: It plays a crucial role in promoting eye health. It supports the health of blood vessels in the eye. By consuming these natural sources you can protect your eye vision orange and lemon, broccoli.
Zinc: It helps transport vitamin A from the liver to the retina to produce melanin (a protective pigment of eye). Ensure you consume these natural sources for maintain zinc Cashew, oats.