Alzheimer's is a scary disease, and the thought of losing your mind as you grow older can strike fear into us all.
As the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is still unknown, there's no certain way to prevent the condition. However, there are ways to keep you brain strong and slow cognitive decline.
September 21 is World Alzheimer's Day which aims to raise awareness, educate and demystify the condition as well as other forms of dementia.
One in 14 people over the age of 65 will be affected by Alzheimer’s disease in their lifetime, according to data from the NHS. Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia - a group term for many conditions which affect the brain's cognitive function.
Despite scientific advancements, there is still a stigma which still surrounds the neurological condition. According to a study carried out by the Alzheimer's Society, 56% of Brits fear a dementia diagnosis as they believe the condition means "life is over".
But experts want people to know that dementia does not mean the end of the road for sufferers - or that nothing can be done to prevent it.
While most people believe it is down to age, there are actually a wide range of risk factors that influence the onset of dementia.
Such factors include alcohol, smoking, poor diet and chronic bad sleeping. While there is no known cure for dementia, there are actually a number of ways you can keep your brain strong.
Jennifer Hall, of Alzheimer Scotland, explained: "30 per cent of dementia's are preventable but it's about reducing those risk factors that we have a certain amount of control over."
"There's a lot of advice that is really helpful for people around keeping their brain sharp and their mind sharp."
The Brain Health Scotland Initiative takes a public health approach towards maintaining good brain health. Funded by Alzheimer's Scotland, it offers advice on how you can keep your mind in check.
If you are supporting someone who is struggling with dementia, Brain Health Scotland have shared some useful habits that may help slow cognitive decline.
These tips can also help anyone who may be worried about developing dementia later on in life.
Pick up a new skill

Your brain thrives on company and benefits from the stimulation of you being with other people. While people may think that dementia mean loss of brain function, sufferers can still learn new things.
"There's a bit of misconception that people with dementia can't learn new skills, they absolutely can. It's about making activities meaningful for people and connecting with them in a way that makes sense," Jen explained.
Jennifer suggested that while dementia cause's memory loss, sufferers may still remember how to take part in old past times.
She said: "There's some people that might have advanced dementia but that neural pathway where they have always been good at sudoku, you know crosswords, that kind of thing that might be something that's still quite in tact.
"So the more they do that, the slower their cognitive decline." Skills that can help with brain health include jigsaw puzzles, card games, crosswords, crafting and knitting.
Jen also highlighted the many technological resources available like apps and phone games can also help. She added: "There's a lot of technology and things that are produced digitally that have proven to be pretty therapeutic"
Take exercise

Being physically active is one of the best things you can do to boost brain health. Regular exercise helps maintain a good blood supply to the brain, improves mental wellbeing and promotes good quality sleep.
Studies have shown the link between physical activity and brain health, with some suggesting that even everyday leisure activities like walking and house cleaning.
There are lots of ways you can become more active. Whatever works for you, aim to complete at least two to three hours of moderate intensity exercise every week.
Eat Well

Making good food choices can help ensure your brain gets the nutrients it needs. Your diet is also vital for maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which can affect brain health.
There are a range of diets which claim to boost brain health. One in particular is a Mediterranean style diet which is rich in olive oil, fish. vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans and peas and unrefined grains. It limits consumption of dairy, meats and saturated fats.
Previous studies have showed that living on this type of diet may protect the brain from Alzheimer's disease. This is because eating foods low in unsaturated fats may detox the brain of protein build up associated with dementia.
Not only that, it has also been praised as a diet that can help with weight loss.
Switch off
Long-term stress can harm the brain and make it harder to keep on top of the other factors that are key to keeping our brains healthy. So make time for yourself, and the things that help you switch off and relax.
Jennifer said: "We underestimate how important sleep is when it comes to our brain health cause it gives us a deep cleanse of the brain so just trying to improve our quality of sleep really can do wonders."
Maintaining good sleeping patterns is vital for ensuring you remain in top physical and mental health. Experts have even warned that changes in sleeping patterns could signal the early onset of dementia.
In fact, a study conducted by the University of London in 2021 found that people who slept six hours or less per night in their 50s and 60s were more likely to develop dementia later in life.
Music and dementia
Music is a powerful tool when it comes to brain health as it stimulates many parts of the brain at once. Music charity Playlist for Life compiles playlists of music that help dementia sufferers to remember certain moments in time.
Attributing decades of scientific research, the organisation highlights the power of music for memory conditions as "personally meaningful music, which stirs emotions or memories within the listener, is particularly powerful."
According to them, regularly listening to your favourite music can benefit as a workout for the brain.
Advice on their website read: "It’s simple - keep listening to the music that you’ve loved all your life. Your all-time favourite songs, those pieces that are especially meaningful to you.
"Make that your brain gym."
Jennifer highlighted the important role senses play when it comes to memory function: "Music connects with people on a whole other level but its the same for our senses."
"If you're looking at people with dementia, being able to connect with them by way of the senses is an evidence based approach.
"Things like how the sense of smell, touch, taste - all those things can be a really powerful way to interact with someone who's maybe further on in their dementia journey."
She suggested that sufferers can benefit from "memory boxes", which contain remnants from a person's past that may evoke the senses and bring back memories.
Such boxes can be filled with items, like perfume, photographs, letters and certain fabrics. Doing this can also spur conversation, which can keep dementia sufferers in the moment.
Ms Hall said: "Things that would really spark memories, but it also opens up conversations as well. So it is being in the moment but its also provoking happy memories that might bring a person to be more lucid and engage in conversation."
Dementia can be scary. It can feel isolating for sufferers and their loved ones. But it should be noted that advancements in medicine means there are now multiple resources that offer so much support.
Jennifer concluded: "Dementia is such an individual experience, we know more about dementia and how its likely to progress than we ever have before.
"There's still so much stigma and stereotypical attitudes towards dementia that get in the way when you're trying to be creative and support people. So go with your intuition and support the person in a way that brings joy.
"Find them new things, find things to stimulate the mind and be active."
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