Greater Manchester Traffic Police at Thornham in Oldham did a double take when they spotted a flatbed truck piled high with scrap being driven on the M60 and M62 yesterday. They tweeted at 6.36pm on Monday: "Couldn't ignore this on the M60/62.
"No explanation needed here. Prohibited and driver fined for multitude of offences - beggars belief."
An insecure load is described as a load of solid waste that has not been secured to, or confined within, a vehicle in such a manner that it cannot fall from or blow out of the vehicle while the vehicle is in transit.
The load does not have to have fallen from the vehicle for there to be an offence. The existence of danger is key. The penalty for this offence carries a maximum fine of £2,500 but if it involves a goods vehicle (or a vehicle adapted to carry more than eight passengers) it is an unlimited fine.
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