James Blunt joked that his Netflix documentary is "boringly good" after a Netflix user complained that it had failed to solve their insomnia!
The viewer tweeted they were suffering "insufferable insomnia" and were therefore looking for the "most tedious" thing to watch on Netflix when they came across James Blunt: One Brit Wonder. The 90-minute doc follows his 2022 tour, while frequently switching back in time to tell his back story and well the viewer jokingly complained it kept them wide awake.
"Insufferable insomnia. Looked for the most tedious thing to watch on Netflix to help knock me out. Bingo, the James Blunt documentary. That's right @JamesBlunt, choose now to not be the most boring **** on the planet. Riveted and still f****' wide awake."
Blunt has gained a well-deserved reputation for witty comebacks to people who to put it politely aren't his biggest fans. Examples include replying to someone who said he only had 15 minutes of fame, James, in reference to his megahit "You're Beautiful", tweeted: "Even less than that! The song was only 3 minutes and 30 seconds long," while when someone asked if he'd run out of his "You’re Beautiful" money yet" he simply said: "Hahahahahahahahahaha! No."
As for the documentary, it is well worth a watch. It's honest, funny, and at times moving as the self-deprecating pop star remembers how he suddenly became a national hate figure. Recalling quite how unpopular he got is the one point in the film where Blunt looks a bit lost for words and genuinely hurt. "You're Beautiful" might not be to everyone's taste, but the reaction to it from the press and some pop stars looks cruel looking back. He comments in the documentary: "It felt like I was just back at school and being bullied, but being bullied by a nation."
You also discover there's more to him than just singing. Some of the most interesting bits are the footage of his pre-pop star days in the army. He jokes that to escape a wet training course in Wales he volunteered to go to Kosovo in 1999 as part of a NATO peacekeeping force at the height of the Kosovo War. He recalls a gripping race against the Russians to secure a key airport which might have led to World War Three.
James Blunt: One Brit Wonder is on Netflix now.