Folks, I don't know if you've heard yet, and I'm sorry I'm the one to tell you this, but Harley-Davidson is woke.
At least, that's the accusation leveled by F-List political commentator Robby Starbuck, as he states Harley-Davidson has succumbed to the immense pressure of the Liberal Elite and *checks notes* included a very small portion of its customer base in both its hiring and events.
Um, wait what. Turns out, Starbuck thinks it's woke if people of color and gay folks buy Harley-Davidsons and work for the company. I feel like I need to look up "woke" in the Dictionary because that doesn't seem all that woke.
The former music video director recently came into the national conversation after he accused both John Deere and Tractor Supply of being woke, too. And, after somewhat successfully attacking the two companies, he told USA Today that the tactic was a surefire hit, as he figured out that if he went after companies that traditionally served conservative areas, whose policies included any language that could be misinterpreted or molded into looking woke, he could successfully attack them.
And now his sights are set on Harley.
But it's seriously funny to me that he's going after Harley-freakin'-Davidson. I mean, who in their right mind would look at Harley and think it's woke? The company almost exclusively sells to Boomers, cops, the military, and outlaws. As well as people who want to cosplay as those groups. Are those groups woke too?
What's worse in this train of thinking is it completely disregards Harley's reality right now, as sales are struggling because the company only sells to those groups. Their demographic is rapidly declining, yet Harley hasn't really done much to stop the hemorrhaging. So even if they maybe once or twice talked about DEI or gay people existing, it ain't anything compared to what it absolutely should do to save the company from losing whatever sales it currently enjoys.
And Harley's marketing is almost exclusively older and middle-aged white dudes. Lord have mercy, this "logic" makes my head hurt.
So please, please, please, do not believe the headlines that Harley is going woke. The company absolutely isn't. It's just nothing more than clickbait fodder.