Rockstar Games' highly-anticipated GTA 6 continues to generate buzz among fans, despite limited official updates since the release of its first trailer in December 2023. Take-Two, the parent company of Rockstar, confirmed during its recent earnings call in August that GTA 6 remains on track for its planned Autumn 2025 release.
The news of the game staying on schedule is significant for the gaming industry, with experts emphasizing its importance. However, concerns arose following the extended period between the initial trailer and the lack of additional content, such as a second trailer or screenshots, for a Rockstar title.
While the assurance of GTA 6's progress is reassuring, speculations have emerged suggesting potential delays. The anticipation for the game's release is heightened by the announcement of other titles slated for 2025, including Mafia: The Old Country, Borderlands 4, and Dying Light: The Beast, prompting some fans to dub the upcoming year as the 'greatest gaming year in history.'
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