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Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough has joined the mounting calls for President Joe Biden to step aside in the 2024 race after his stumbling debate performance in June.
“It’s really incumbent on people that are around Joe Biden to step up at this point and help the president and help the man they love and do the right thing,” Scarborough said on his MSNBCmorning show Wednesday. Biden is reportedly a loyal viewer of the show.
“This is not going to end well if it continues to drag out,” he predicted.
There is “widespread” anger — not at the president, but at those in his inner circle, the morning host said. “Joe Biden deserves better. He deserves better than he is getting from those closest to him.”
Scarborough referred to the “sobering message” from top Democrats — Adam Schiff and, reportedly, Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer — who have told Biden to exit the race, fearing he will lose the crucial election in November.
The suggestions from the high-profile Democrats come after many donors, celebrities, and voters have expressed concern about the president’s age following his debate fumble. Still, his campaign and Vice President Kamala Harris have voiced unwavering support for his candidacy.
On Tuesday, the 81-year-old president announced he had tested positive for Covid-19.