Dr Amir Khan appeared on ITV's Lorraine this week with some helpful advice on how to shorten a cold and bounce back faster.
It's the season we all dread - colds and flu seem to be lurking just around every corner. The good news is, after sharing important flu advice recently, Dr Khan is back with more tips on keeping healthy this winter. Specifically, how to shorten a cold.
"If you've got a cold, take zinc. It can reduce the length of your cold by two and a quarter days. That's pretty good," Dr Khan told host Christine Lampard.
The advice comes from a study, published in the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, which reveals that, apart from vitamin C and zinc, supplementing with micronutrients "may not prevent cold incidence or reduce symptom severity". Zinc was found to potentially reduce the cold's duration by 2.25 days.
Vitamin C has been found to reduce the length of a cold as well, but it won't make a difference if you're already showing symptoms, per research in BMC Public Health. However, taking his comments to Instagram, Dr Khan confirmed that zinc's benefit is "based on taking it when the cold first starts".
Zinc is typically found in seafood (especially oysters), dairy, eggs, legumes, red meat, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, and spinach. You also buy supplements with zinc from your local supermarket or health food shop.
Previously, Dr Khan has shared how important it is to take a vitamin D tablet in winter. He echoed this in the most recent segment when he said: "Everyone should be taking vitamin D in the winter months to keep your immune system nice and healthy."
Standing against a blustery garden backdrop amid the UK's most recent bout of turbulent weather, the doctor also offered some tips on how to avoid catching a cold in the first place.
- Keep your hands and home clean: "Hand hygiene is really important because the main way these viruses spread is through droplets that can get onto your hand and into your airway," he said. "Keep your surfaces clean as well."
- Keep your air clean: "Get those windows open, get those filtration air systems in place, if you've got them," he said.
- Wear an FFP2 mask: "If you want to wear a mask, an FFP2 mask is the best one to wear."
- Focus on the basics: "Keep your immune system healthy," he said, by focusing on maintaining a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.
He also encouraged views to "get a flu vaccine if you're eligible" and to "stay at home" when you're feeling under the weather to avoid spreading the virus.
Those eligible for a flu vaccine include those 65 and over, anyone with an underlying health condition, pregnant women, carers, and those living in care homes.