The Can-Am Origin and Can-Am Pulse are the first two models of the Can-Am all-electric motorbike portfolio, which was just announced by Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP), the parent company of the Canadian three-wheeler maker Can-Am. BRP is altering the power dynamic and paving the way to a new generation of riders and electric vehicle fans as a result of the rising popularity of electric motorbikes.

“Today, our story of innovation reaches new heights with the reveal of market-shaping electric products that will enhance consumer experience on the road,” President and CEO of BRP, José Boisjoli, stated. “Half a century ago, Can-Am roared to victory on the track and the trail, and today, a new legacy begins. With the Can-Am Origin and Can-Am Pulse, the first two models of our electric 2-wheel family, we are gearing up to reclaim our motorcycle heritage by crafting thrilling riding experiences for a whole new generation.”

The Can-Am Origin honors Can-Am's prowess both on and off the road. For a more contemporary multi-terrain experience, this dual-purpose bike is created to offer a fresh thrill to both the street and the trail. The Can-Am Pulse, on the other hand, is a well-balanced and nimble motorbike that is intended to provide users a thrilling riding experience and turn their regular commute into an electrifying joyride.
Both electric motorcycles have contemporary style and are constructed to display cutting-edge technology. Both types are accessible and simple to operate and ride for both new and experienced riders. As is the case with most electric motorcycles, riders only need to twist the throttle to move forward without the need for a typical clutch or transmission. Can-Am also highlights the nearly vibration-free operation, and smooth, and accurate power supply even in low-speed conditions.

Both models are driven by the brand-new Rotax E-POWER electric motor, which produces highway-worthy speeds with lots of horsepower and torque. Each model has its own unique design, ergonomics, and capabilities to meet diverse demands. Just in time for Can-Am to commemorate its 50th anniversary, BRP intends to release the complete specifications in August 2023. Can-Am also wants to introduce the new models by 2024. By visiting the official Can-Am website, which is linked below, customers can become involved in the community and be the first to learn when the next generation of motorcycles is ready to hit the road.