The Blitz spirit is returning as families splash out on torches and generators for possible blackouts this winter.
And people are also snapping up cheaper wartime grub like Spam.
Amid fears of a National Grid power cut, Travis Perkins said sales of £200 generators leapt 200% in the first 11 days of October compared with the same time last year.
Demand for hand-held and head torches is up by 43%. Market analyst Kantar said candle sales rose by 9% and duvets by 8% year on year.
To cut energy bills, people plan to wrap up warm, with sales of women’s thermals up 117% week on week, onesies up 253% and dressing gowns up 76% at John Lewis.
Claire Miles, of John Lewis, said: “With the cost of energy such a concern, we are seeing customers spend with heat in mind.”

The cost of living crisis is also changing our taste in food as Waitrose reported a rise in sales of cheaper ingredients like fish heads, beef shin and ox cheek for stews.
A 1kg bag of Waitrose salmon fish heads costs £1.50, compared with £5.25 for two salmon fillets.
Demand for wartime staple Spam was also up by 36%, according to the Waitrose Food and Drink Report, which dubbed the trend “generation resilience”.
James Bailey, of Waitrose, said: “We’re seeing some big changes.”