We all know that regularly washing bedding is an important task - but just how often should you be doing it in order to keep things as clean as possible? It can be all too easy to just leave it for another day, but with the weather slightly warming up, you'll want to get into good routines if you're not already - everybody wants to avoid dust mites and sweat.
And if you're not washing your sheets every week, it turns out you should be, as otherwise, you're leaving yourself exposed to around 20,000 dust mites - which isn't ideal, especially if you're an allergy sufferer.

Martin Seeley, the CEO and sleep expert at MattressNextDay, said that we should be aiming to wash sheets "every single week."
This is because each night, the average person sweats at least 200ml of liquid - and it ends up seeping through to your duvet.
He said: "Further studies show that the average bedding harbours around 20,000 dust mites which can be triggering for those that suffer from allergies."
Dust mites can cause congestion, and a runny nose, which can be avoided with a good washing routine.
Martin added: "Given that 80 percent of dust mites are made up of your dead skin, which you naturally produce more of overnight, you should be washing your bedding at least once a week."
But, if you find that you sweat more excessively at night time, you may want to consider washing them more often, the Express reports.
Of course, changing bedding can be time-consuming, but it shouldn't be skipped as bedrooms should be relaxing spaces.
When you're washing your bed sheets, remember to put them on a 60-degree wash to rid them properly of dust mites. Also, Martin recommends a good detergent to keep it nice and soft.
And, if you're drying your bedding in a tumble dryer, Martin suggests that you reconsider - instead, opting to hang it outside where possible.
How often do you change your sheets? Let us know in the comments.