This in-progress Star Wars Jedi Survivor walkthrough will help you get through the critical story path and make battling the Empire a little easier. You’ll start your journey in the familiar cityscape of Coruscant but will venture to other destinations across the galaxy with rich environments to explore. However, many of the maze-like linear areas can be tricky to navigate, and all those open worlds with abundant opportunities to freely explore means distractions from Cal’s quest are everywhere – however, anything you miss can be returned to after you’ve completed the story.
I recommend doing at least a bit of exploring here and there to open shortcuts and find useful items such as Force Essences and Stims, but in this walkthrough, I’ve laid out the critical path – the essential areas you need to get to and objectives you need to complete – to finish Cal’s journey and the Star Wars Jedi Survivor story. It’s organized by each destination in the order that you’ll visit them with the necessary objectives listed along the way. It’s not complete just yet, but I will be adding to it adding to over time - it's a big game!
Major spoilers ahead (obviously) although I have tried to omit exact story details and notable moments where possible.
Star Wars Jedi Survivor begins with a less-than-ideal situation for Jedi hero Cal Kestis – he’s been captured and is being taken to see an Imperial Senator by Corscant security forces.
Follow CSF Captain

Once the initial cutscene is over and you gain control of Cal, all you need to do is walk with the security guards and follow the CSF Captain. This will lead you to the Docks where you’ll meet Senator Sejan. After a cutscene, you’ll have a short tutorial fight against some Imperial troopers, showing you the basics of single lightsaber and Force combat.
Pursue the Senator’s yacht

After that, things go a little awry and you need to climb to the left along the metal bar, up using a climbing wall, then to the right on another metal bar. Cal will fall off, reaching a new area – Rooftops.
Force Push the metal wall panel, then turn right and go down the rooftops. Jump across the gap to the left then climb up the wall. To the left, there’s a grate you can climb up to reach another roof, and once you’re up there, look at the large pipes to the right and jump up to the climbing grate there. Carry on and you’ll reach the Rooftops Meditation Point.

From where you climbed up, jump up to the ledge on the right, then climb the grate up to the next level. Carry on through the rooftops, heading through a squeeze gap. Just after you get out the gap, head left. You’ll eventually drop onto a rooftop with troopers on it. You need to head through another squeeze gap on the left to get to the next room.

Deal with the troopers here, unlocking the Double-Bladed Lightsaber Stance – check out the other Star Wars Jedi Survivor Lightsaber Stances here – then jump to the horizontal pole outside and swing across, then climb all the way up. Here you’ll meet up with Bode.
Reunite with your crew at the yacht

Walk with Bode through the Rooftops (you can cut a cable to open a shortcut back to the Meditation Point during this section) and you’ll catch up to the yacht. Get BD-1 to activate the zipline on the left where you'll find it blocked by a container and need Bode to remove the container. Activate the zipline again, and cross over to Renovation Site 4733 – hot tip: hold R2/RT while riding a zipline for a boost.

Wall run across the neon board to reach Bode and the next area. There’s a wet incline here that you can’t walk up, so climb up on the right. Get Bode to lower the cable on the upper level, use it to get up, then follow him around to the right. Slide down the incline and leap to the troopers at the bottom. Now, use the terminal to raise the bridge – there will be more troopers on this bridge, so be ready for a fight.

After the fight, cross over and tell Bode to move the red board, then run across it to reach the Renovation Site 4733 Meditation Point. Head up the stairs and wall run across the neon board, then follow the walkway and go through the bar on the left. Swing on the poles to reach the other side, then walk along the pipe above the troopers to trigger a scripted fall, leading into a big fight.

Afterwards, head down towards the round yellow door. Command Bode to lower the climbing panel on the upper-right ledge, then use the Force to move the large cube object against this wall so that you can climb. Get up and wall run along until you reach a tied rope. Cut the rope and use it to swing across to the climbing wall. Climb up then press on up some steps to fight troopers (there’s a zipline shortcut you can activate on the right too).
After going down some stairs and turning around, go through a squeeze gap on the left. This leads into a boss fight against a security droid called K-4O5 – it’s quite an easy fight as the droid has fairly slow and readable attacks.

Next, investigate the junk pile to get the Ascension Cable – a grappling hook – then use it to reach Bode’s position up high. Activate the terminal to rotate a machine into place then grapple over and climb down to reach the renovation site Meditation Point again.
Now, start heading back to the bridge that you raised earlier – you can now grapple to the previously out-of-reach wall running panels. Continue forward to meet up with your crew and enter the Industrial Stacks area.
Board the Senator’s yacht

Before going ahead, immediately turn around and go up the steps to activate a zipline shortcut that leads back to the Meditation Point. Now to board the yacht, you need to move some pipes blocking the way. Go over to the twins – they’ll push a gate down, allowing you to grapple and climb to the first pipe and move it with the Force.
Climb on the underside of the yacht to reach the next pipe and move that too. Jump to the metal grates on the yacht and climb to the right then up to get on deck. Get BD-1 to open the door and head inside.
Gain access to the Senator’s terminal

Move through the yacht and approach Senator Sejan to trigger the trust or reward Jedi Survivor mind trick (you can't actually fail, so choose whatever option you like). Your next objective is to extract the Senator, so just head back the way you came through the yacht. Unfortunately, an ambush from the Ninth Sister is waiting.
Escape Undercity Meats

Cal drops right into Coruscant’s meat production zone, so escaping here is the next step. Start by turning around on the conveyor belt and grappling to safety. Move through the area then get up to the next level by wall jumping – repeatedly jump up this white wall with vertical lines to climb. At the top, you’ll reach the Undercity Meats Meditation Point. There’s also one of the Star Wars Jedi Survivor stim canisters to grab nearby.

Press on down the walkway where the large meat slabs are being transported along a rail. You’ll need to grapple up, then go inside a room to the left to fight a Purge Trooper. Once they’ve been defeated, walk through the dark room on the left and squeeze through the gap at the other end. In the next room you’ll learn the Confuse Force power, then you’ll reach the Freight Handling Depot.
Grapple a moving meat box on the above rail and drop into the next zone to battle the stormtroopers. Slice the exit door with BD-1 and get up to the next area – you’ll find the Freight Handling Depot Meditation Point here. Press on to get back to the Mantis.
Take down the Ninth Sister’s gunship and defeat the Ninth Sister

After the cutscene showing the yacht crashing in, climb aboard and bring down the gunship. This mostly happens in a cutscene, so you don’t need to do much. However, now it’s time to battle the Ninth Sister (again, if you played the first game). She has much the same moveset with her double-bladed spinning lightsaber. As with a lot of tough enemies, the best approach is to parry her attacks to drain her block, then strike back while vulnerable. You will defeat her for real this time and will unlock the Dual Wield Lightsaber Stance.
Get to the hangar

Get BD-1 to activate the terminal next to the flaming pipe on the right. This will extinguish the fire and allow you to squeeze through the gap. You’ll find the Skylane Regulation Station Meditation Point on the other side. Head down the stairs, then take the lift down.
Once you’re off it, head right, activate the zipline, and ride it up to progress. Next, head up the steps, climb the cable, and get to the ziplines – these will take you to Hangar 2046-C. Go inside the building to meet Bode and Bravo.
Free the Mantis

Press on and take the lift down to the Hangar 2046-C Meditation Point. Open the next set of doors and fight your way to the Mantis. Speak to Bode and Bravo to board the Mantis and make your escape.
After a cutscene, you can wander the Mantis. You need to clean it by picking up some BD-1 parts from the kitchen table and must use the Workbench. After that, go to the cockpit and interact with the pilot’s chair to travel to Koboh.
Koboh – Part 1
Cal has made it to Koboh, but a hard landing has left the Mantis damaged. This is the first part of a pretty long stint on Koboh, and you’ll be back several more times to explore other areas later. But your goal for now is to meet up with Cal’s old companion, Greez, to fix the starship.
Find Greez

You’ll start your journey in the Gorge Crash Site but need to travel quite far to reach Rambler’s Reach Outpost. Start by following the path to the left until you’re eventually forced into a tutorial for BD Visor and BD-Noculars – set a beacon on the large Trontoshell creature.
With that done, head right and take the lift down to reach the Gorge Crash Site Meditation Point. From here, head left and wall run across the cliff wall on the right to reach some rock platforms and battle droids. Keep going forward and you’ll enter a cavern with more droids and a Bedlam Raider. Carry on through the cavern Now you can get out of the cavern by going through the dark tunnel and along the ridge, then climb up and left along the vines. Jump to the next area and activate the zipline shortcut back to the Meditation Point, then climb along more vines to reach more raiders and droids.

After this combat encounter, wallrun to the upper level, then jump to the yellow platform in the tar pit. To progress, you need to blow up the yellow dam ahead – do this by Force Pulling a roller mine droid from the tar then Force Pushing it at the dam to blow it up and flood the area. The platform you’re on will rise, allowing you to reach the next ledge, where you can sever a cable to set up another shortcut.
Follow the walkway around the tar, passing the pit droid as you go, to reach the Derelict Dam area. Head downhill to get to the Derelict Dam Meditation Point. From here, head right and go over to the yellow, gunked-up bridge. Cross over by jumping the gap to the left instead, then jump down to the platform in the tar pit. You will have noticed the crumbling dam and you’ll be blowing this one apart just like before, although there are a few extra steps.

Grapple to the vines, climb up the dam, and walk along it. You’ll notice a raider and some droids outside a building entrance below – if you just wait, roller mines will actually blow most of them up for you. Now, head inside and make your way through the tunnel, bearing left (you can find the Star Wars Jedi Survivor Vashtan Wolfe character here too), then drop into the hatch at the end.

Carry on through and then get BD to slice the terminal to activate a roller mine dispenser. Pick a mine up and toss it using the Force at the cracked cave wall to blast it open. Now do the same but for the gunked-up bridge to lower it into place. Finally, get a roller mine to follow you across the bridge and then pick it up and lob it at the dam to blow it up and flood the tar pit. You can now hop across the platforms to reach the other side and the Trontoshell!

Next, press on, use lift to go down and follow the path around to the left to fight quite a few droids. There’s a large cube in this area that you need to Force Push towards the wall with a blue marking on it. Climb onto the cube and wall run around to the upper area, then cut the cable to create a rope that you can swing from.
Drop down and climb the ledge near the rope and then grab said rope and swing across to the yellow ledge where a Bogling is sitting. Follow the Boglings through the tunnel and up by wall jumping. This’ll get you to the Southern Reach Meditation Point.

Follow the path around to the Southern Reach proper and you’ll meet a woman called Mosey in a cutscene, and Rambler’s Reach Outpost will be in your sights. Just head downhill towards town and you’ll reach the Rambler’s Reach Outpost Meditation Point. Carry on into the middle of town and look for Pyloon’s Saloon – the large building with the glowing sign above the brown door. Approach and you’ll be thrust into a cutscene that introduces Rayvis, leader of the Bedlam Raiders.
Zeik boss fight

As Cal steps in, you’ll then go straight into a boss fight against one of the other raiders, Zeik. They have some hard-hitting unblockable attacks, but nothing too deadly and are pretty easy to beat. You’ll face a lot more Bedlam Raiders exactly like Zeik as you play, so consider this an intro to Jedi Survivor’s melee-focused enemies. With Zeik dealt with, you can finally head inside Pyloon’s Saloon to meet Greez!
Rest in the basement

Now is a good time to explore the saloon but your objective is to rest in the cosy basement room. Head across the bar and go through the door on the right to get to the kitchen. Then head go through the door on the left to get down to the basement. You should rest at the Pyloon’s Saloon Meditation Point that’s down here, but to progress further, you need to interact with the bed.
Koboh – Part 2
After resting up, Greez tells Cal that he should be able to find a gyro module needed to fix the Mantis in a smuggling tunnel that joins to the basement.
Find gyro module

Head down the Smuggler’s Tunnel and when you get to the Star Wars Jedi Survivor green laser barrier, go right to squeeze through a gap in the wall. This leads into a cave which you can wall run around to get onto an upper path blocked by rocks which you can Force Push away.
Now you’ll be in another cavern with some rock ledges that lead down. Make your way along and you’ll eventually find the gyro module on the ground, so interact with it to pick it up. However, Cal’s bad luck continues as he and BD-1 fall into a hole and end up in a mysterious chamber.
Bring gyro module to Greez

Now that you have the gyro module, you need to get through this chamber to reach Greez. Rest at the Collapsed Passage Meditation Point, then traverse further into the chamber – you’ll end up wall jumping up to a higher level which leads into the main area called the Chamber of Duality.

As soon as you get into the chamber, look left and Force Pull the metal orb from the coupler holding it, then Force Push the orb into the other nearby coupler that’s glowing blue. This will form a bridge so that you can cross over to the central platform. Do so and you’ll uncover an ancient High Republic droid known as Zee.

Unfortunately, Zee is trapped so you need to free her using more orb-and-coupler puzzles. Start by Force Pulling the orb from before and throwing it into the coupler in front of Zee. Once the new bridge has formed, get across, grab the winch cable on the nearby wall, and attach it to the locking device to open a doorway on the wall.
You can now grab a second orb from the newly revealed small room. Take the new orb back to the central platform and toss it at one of the two couplers that are behind Zee. Then grab the first orb and put it in the other coupler to activate the bridge.

Cross the bridge, wall run to the left, then wall jump upwards on the opposite side. While you’re up here, pull in and lock another winch cable to raise the ruins pinning Zee down. Jump down to the droid and help her up. After the cutscene, follow her back across the bridge where she’ll access a lift that takes you right back to Rambler’s Reach Outpost. Lead her inside Pyloon’s Saloon to hand over the gyro module. While Greez and Bode get the Mantis fixed, it’s up to Cal to investigate a Forest Array to help Zee on her mission to open a path to the hidden sanctuary of Tanalorr.
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