A glass was smashed sending water everywhere and boxers Michael Zerafa and Issac Hardman had to be separated when the two crossed paths before a pre-fight press conference in Melbourne on Wednesday.
A social media war got real with the two squaring off ahead of their high-stakes fight on April 20 at the Melbourne Convention Centre, with a chance of a world title fight now on the line.
The winner will move to No.2 in the IBF middleweight rankings and with champion Gennady Golovkin vacating as he moves up a division to fight Canelo Alverez, there's a title fight looming against top contender Brazilian Esquiva Falcao.
Zerafa arrived at the venue and went to greet Hardman's team but the 25-year-old Queenslander, who goes by the name of The Headsplitter, wasn't happy.
He attempted to grab the veteran by the throat and then Zerafa countered by trying to throw a glass of water on his rival only for it to be batted away, shattering on the floor.
After exchanging barbs on social media over the past few months Hardman, whose record is 12-0, said his hatred for Zerafa was genuine.
He said he lost respect for the Melbourne fighter (29-4) after his late withdrawal from last year's fight with Tim Tszyu citing COVID-19 concerns.
"This is a sport built on integrity and honour and courage and he pulled a heart-string and dogged it," Hardman said
"It was a coward's act ... he's a crybaby and he's too emotional.
"He was kicked to the kerb then and when I smash him to pieces that's the end of Michael Zerafa."
A former MMA fighter, Hardman said he didn't think he would be within reaching distance of a world title for another few years.
"It's massive - the IBF world title 13 fights in, it's unheard of," he said.
Zerafa said that Hardman's behaviour showed he was a "pig".
"He's worried, he's scared - anyone who is going to show that much aggression before the fight has even happened, it shows that they're generally worried," the 29-year-old said.
"I get the whole fight game and revving each other up but he's got no respect for fighters, for family, for people so it will be good to silence him.
"Seeing him here today just made me want to punch him in the head even more."
With his career hitting a low after the Tszyu debacle, Zerafa rated the fight as the most important of one of his and said he wouldn't let it slip.
"I believe that everything happens for a reason and it's led me to here," he said.
"If I fought that fight whatever could have happened and I might not have got this opportunity so I'm blessed, I'm grateful and I'm training super hard."