The YSR Congress Party has announced the names of in charges of one Lok Sabha (SC), and eight Assembly constituencies including seven reserved for the Scheduled Castes. It is part of the reshuffle made by the ruling party in the run - up to the general elections keeping in view a host of factors, mainly the changed social equations.
The in - charges are Chittoor MP (SC) K. Narayana Swamy, Gangadhara Nellore - N. Reddappa, Singanamala - M. Veeranjaneyulu, Nandikotkur - Sudhir Dara, Tiruvuru Nallagatla Swamy Das, Madakasira - Eera Lakkappa, Kovvur - Talari Venkat Rao, Gopalapuram - Taneti Vanitha and Kanigiri (general) D. Narayana Yadav.