A 16-year-old boy allegedly drove at 180kmh on the Hume Highway and evaded police road spikes before crashing into a tree in the centre of Goulburn.

The unlicensed youth in the stolen Ford Territory was first detected by Nowra Highway Patrol on the Princes Highway near Bombaderry around 8.45pm on Monday.
The vehicle failed to stop and police pursued the car for a short time before terminating the chase due to safety reasons.
About 11pm, Goulburn Highway Patrol located the vehicle on the Hume Highway where it was allegedly travelling in excess of 180kmh.

Road spikes were deployed however the vehicle continued on to Goulburn, before hitting a tree and coming to a stop near the intersection of Auburn Street and Verner Street.
The 16-year-old driver was arrested and taken to Goulburn police station.
A 14-year-old girl who was in the car was taken to Goulburn Hospital for assessment.
The teenage boy was charged with taking and driving a conveyance, engaging in a police pursuit, being an unlicensed driver, and driving at speed exceeding the limit by 45kmh.
He was refused bail when he appeared in the Children's Court on Tuesday.
Police inquiries are continuing.