Welcome to your weekly horoscope—and welcome to a week full of endings and culminations! If life has been too intense or moving too fast for you in the past few months, you will be glad to know that this week, the sky is in for a shift. Since mid-February, a lot of planets have been occupying the skies of Aries, bringing intense interactions.
As mastermind Mercury leaves this territory to enter Taurus, the communication pace will slow down, allowing us to catch our breath. This gentler way of interacting with one another will last until June 10, so until then, enjoy having more time to think and come to the conclusions you’re looking for.
The other big astrological event that takes place this week is this month’s full moon, which occurs around midweek. Taking place in the skies of Libra, it will bring themes around balance in relationships. This is the culmination of the work we’ve been doing in this area of our lives since mid-February. If a relationship ends around this time, know that it wasn’t in your best interest. Some of our bonds were meant to be deeply healed, but some of them were meant to be dissolved.
Friday night is dreamy, when the planets will be kissing in the sky above us. Honor the mantra “as above, so below” by opening your heart and connecting with the ones you love the most!
Read your horoscope below for your rising as well as your sun sign—and don't forget to check your April 2023 horoscope and your 2023 horoscope predictions too!
Weekly horoscope: what does this week have in store for you?
Aries weekly horoscope

The intensity you’ve been experiencing in your life for the past few months begins to wane this week as Mercury leaves your sign, Aries. However, you might not feel it until the weekend, after the full moon has passed. This full moon brings the end of a relationship or an important situation within a bond. While it is important to express your needs now, it’s crucial that you do so with care, as people will be feeling triggered and on edge.
Taurus weekly horoscope

Pay attention to what comes up for you this week, Taurus. Mastermind Mercury enters your sign, where it will stay until June 10! This is quite unusual and the beginning of a majorly important process of transformation that will develop for you over the next couple of months. The events that take place and messages you receive this week could be very telling of the themes you will be working with when Mercury goes retrograde later in the month.
Gemini weekly horoscope

Life has been fast and furious, Gemini, but as your planetary ruler enters Taurus, you’re beginning to feel more mellow. Over the next few months, you will feel the need to slow down your rhythm to adopt a “slow-and-steady” approach to life. If new people come into your life this week, they could be critical for the growth you will experience from now until mid-June. Know that this type of work will most likely hit you at a very deep, spiritual level.
Cancer weekly horoscope

This could be an intense week, Cancer, so make sure to leave some free space in your calendar to rest. This week’s full moon could bring a situation in which you might have to choose between your private and career lives. A boss or another authority figure might try to undermine your sense of inner security to get you to work late and sacrifice a special life moment. This is not the time to give away your power, so stand your ground when it comes to choosing what is wiser for you now.
Leo weekly horoscope

You are a rising star, Leo! Master of thought Mercury enters your career and public visibility sector this week, bringing people that will help you succeed. From now until June 10, you will learn valuable lessons in this area of your life, especially in late April and early May. Important messages are bound to arrive at this week’s full moon, so while the next few days will be busy, it’s crucial that you take note of who comes into your life or what transpires for you.
Virgo weekly horoscope

For the past few months, you have most likely been dealing with issues around intimacy, money, or resources within an important relationship. Luckily, Virgo, this week’s astrology brings an end to this deep healing work, which will take a weight off your shoulders. The energy will be intense, but luckily, you will have eloquent Mercury (now in patient Taurus) helping you find the right words to express yourself in this critical moment. From this weekend on, you can trust there will be smoother sailing!
Libra weekly horoscope

Be nice to yourself this week, Libra. This week’s full moon happens in your sign, which is a once-a-year occurrence! All the deep work and effort you’ve been putting into making a certain relationship work reaches climax now. Regardless of what the outcome is, congratulations, as it hasn’t been easy. As you wrap up this process, you might be feeling a little raw and in need of some serious self-care. Over the weekend, book a massage or pampering session to celebrate this rite of passage.
Scorpio weekly horoscope

Relationships have been on your mind, Scorpio—and this week, this trend deepens even further. This is an area of life that you will be working on in late April and early May, so stay aware of what happens now. This would be a primed time to work with a mentor or relationship coach who could help you connect from a more grounded, healthier place. Those who enter your life this week will be crucial in succeeding along that journey.
Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Perform a good deed, Sagittarius. This week, a lot of peeps will be experiencing full moon fever and might need a shoulder to cry on. Luckily, you will be feeling somewhat balanced and will be in a position to help those in need. On a more tangible note, Mercury enters your sector of wellness on Monday, kicking off a ten-week period in which you will learn valuable lessons concerning living a healthier, more grounded life.
Capricorn weekly horoscope

This week brings the end or a culmination of an important career project for you, which could put you in the limelight. The truth is that the past few months haven’t been easy when it comes to balancing your work and private lives, so bask in the glory of arriving at this moment. As Mercury enters your leisure sector, it looks like, over the next couple of months, you could have more time to rest and enjoy the pleasures of life.
Aquarius weekly horoscope

Open your heart, Aquarius. As Mercury enters your home sector on Monday, some important things could be said between you and a partner, roommate, or family member. This is the area of your life that Mercury will ask you to transform in late April and early May, so take note of the words shared and said now. There is a strong chance that they will be revisited later on, once Mercury goes retrograde in this area of your chart.
Pisces weekly horoscope

There is no way to sugarcoat it, Pisces, this week’s full moon will most likely feel intense, as it happens in a sensitive area of your astrological chart. Issues around intimacy, boundaries, and money are not the most fun to approach, but figuring them out now is necessary. The good news is that as you move through this tricky process, you have a lot of planets helping you communicate from the heart. The right words, intentions, and actions will be available to you when needed the most.