Some people hate packing for a holiday. I am not one of these people. Call it frequent flyer arrogance, call it Big Virgo Energy, call it plain annoying, but I start making my list around two weeks before departure. I then begin foraging around for the essentials one week before - you just know that passport is wedged in the bottom of a drawer somewhere - making sure I leave two or three buffer days before the journey to allow for picking up last-minute essentials. It’s an art form, I adore it, and I pride myself on being the person doling out plug adapters and charger cables to those who have not made their own nifty list.
Everyone has individual needs, wants and little luxuries for a summer holiday - clothing being a whole personal list of your own - but the core items remain the same. I haven’t included a laptop or any work paraphernalia, because I sincerely hope you’ll be able to switch off this summer. Here are the must-haves:
Everything you’ll (probably) need for a beach holiday this summer
- Passport(s)
- Boarding pass(es) or train/ferry tickets
- SPF/sun cream. Factor 30 and above is recommended; SPF50 for kids
- Sun hat(s)
- Sunglasses
- Phone charger (I always like to bring a back-up cable as they can be a nightmare to find if they conk out)
- Plug adapter(s)
- Swimsuit/bikini/trunks
- Flip flops
- Comfy shoes or trainers
- Toothbrush/electric toothbrush and charger
- Toothpaste
- Headphones
- Shampoo, conditioner and shower gel if you’re self-catering
- After sun or gentle moisturiser
- A beach towel if you won’t have a hotel that provides them
- Face wipes or make-up remover
- Make-up bag for those who wear it
- Hairbrush or comb (longer-haired folks and mums swear by the Tangle Teezer)
- Plenty of hair ties for long hair
- A nail file
- Lip balm
- Shorts
- Sundresses and light shirts
- Glasses or contacts if you wear them
- Enough underwear for the week/fortnight
- Gym gear if you plan to exercise
- Backpack for exploring and/or smaller evening bag
- A tote or beach bag
- Emergency medical kit: plasters, antihistamine/bite cream, painkillers, stomach-settling remedies
- Any essential medication of your own
- Goggles/snorkel, face mask and flippers if you have them
- A couple of light jackets and jumpers for colder nights or higher altitudes
- Entertainment for the plane: pre-downloaded streaming shows, podcasts or a good old fashioned magazine
- A camera or smartphone with plenty of space for new snaps (plus camera charger if needed)
- Books or Kindle: a summer read (or four) is an essential for many
- A Bluetooth speaker for the room or apartment
- A slim canvas bag or spare tote to use as a laundry bag
- Snacks. While these should always be nearby in an airport or local shop, having a cereal bar or two on hand can save the day during unexpected long waits
- Travel wash - if you’ll be there long enough to want to refresh any clothing
- Cash in local currency or travel money card: an ‘emergency cab amount’ of cash is a good rule of thumb
- An offline copy or screenshot of your hotel’s address and any transfer details - in case of roaming issues
- An offline copy or print-out of your travel insurance details
- An offline copy or printed scan of your passport, in case you lose it
- ID or driving licence if needed
- A reusable water bottle
- Hand sanitiser
- Masks for destinations that still require them
- Eye mask or neck pillow if needed for flight
- Your house keys - and put them somewhere easily reached for your return!
Things you’re most likely to forget, so double check
- Correct plug adapter. This is a useful catch-all guide to different types.
- Medical kit. Hopefully you won’t need it, but boy does it help avoid hours of gesticulating at the pharmacy.
- Toothbrush charger if yours is electronic.
- Jackets and jumpers - even the Med gets the odd chilly evening.
- Enough entertainment for your journey - if flying, allow for double your airport and flight time, just in case of delays.
- The liquid limit: Keep liquids to under 100ml (and labelled as such) and able to fit in a zip-lock bag in hand luggage, with larger items in hold luggage.
And one more tip...
Want to become a packing pro? Take note of anything you realise you’ve forgotten or wish you’d packed while on holiday, and add it to a rolling list in your phone’s Notes app. Next time you’ll be equipped for anything.