Students demonstrating against war, taken by Luis Bustamante Photograph: Luis Bustamante

We asked readers for images that captured significant political, cultural, or artistic events of the decade. This photo covers all three categories.Taken by Erika Szostak Photograph: Erika Szostak

Arguably one of the most important cultural events of the decade was captured with this photograph from 26 June, 2009, the day after Michael Jackson died. Taken by considineshaun Photograph: considineshaun

Several thousand protesters congregated at the Bank of England on Wednesday 1 April 2009 to protest about climate change, the perceived greed of bankers and the credit crunch. Taken by Will Strange Photograph: Will Strange

The National Mall in Washington in DC on 5 November 2008, the day after President Obama was elected. Taken by desba37 Photograph: Desb37

The bundles of banners are a reminder of large numbers of people that took part in this, and other protests against the war in Iraq. Taken by Steven Wood-Matthews Photograph: Steven Wood-Matthews

PD Smith’s photo captures one of the most significant artists to have emerged over the last 10 years. Taken by PD Smith Photograph: PD Smith

Michael Cairns: ‘US Air Flight 1549 ditch in the Hudson River and all survive. Definitely one of the most amazing things I am ever likely to see: An Airbus floating past my front window.’ Taken by Personanondata - Michael Cairns Photograph: Michael Cairns

Chirs Hoy preparing for a race at the Manchester Velodrome. Taken by Jim Clarke Photograph: Jim Clarke

In the days after 9/11, Clairemurphy2010 found this calendar page stuck to a wall near Union Square, New York. Taken by clairemurphy2010 Photograph: Claire Murphy

Toby Butler: ‘This was taken during the 'Los Pinguinos' student demonstrations in Santiago during 2006 against the increase in the price of the university entrance exams. The demonstrations lasted for about a month and were covered by rolling news coverage in Chile and made international news at the time. As ever it was the violent minority of the demonstrations that made the headlines.’ Taken by Toby Butler Photograph: Toby Lawley Butler

Photos taken at the Blind World Cup 2010. Taken by Stanyal Photograph: Stanyal

On 12 February 2010, between 2500 and 3000 Muslims in Oslo, Norway, protested against the printing of a cartoon depicting the prophet Mohammad. Taken by Olav Ljone Skogaas Photograph: Olav Ljone Skogaas