Bubbling issues in one of your relationships will come to a boil next week as Mercury Retrograde opposes Jupiter in Aries. Issues you thought you’d dealt with may not be over just yet so face them head-on in order to reach a resolution. Although bear in mind that Mercury Retrograde has communication on the fritz so you may not be on your game. Think before speaking.TAURUS
out of Florence Pugh‘s book
Have you been tempted to quiet quit? Next week, as Mercury Retrograde opposes Jupiter in your chilled out 12th house, follow that temptation and pull back on some of your responsibilities. Don’t do anything that’ll get you fired, but certainly don’t go above and beyond. Take a leaf , do what you have to do then fuck right off.
Next week you’ll need to reach out to a trusted source for assistance on something. Although Mercury is currently retrograde, plus it’s your ruling sign, so your communication methods may be a little off. Just ask as nicely as possible and triple check all messages and you’ll be sweet. Ask away!
FFS, work is gonna be annoying next week as Mercury Retrograde opposes Jupiter in your 10th house of werk. If you get called out for not pulling your weight, be honest with your boss and/or colleagues about what’s going on in your life. Don’t be shy to take a mental health day if need be as well, that’s what they’re there for! And if they’re not there, I implore that you either report this to HR or find a new job.
Next week you’ll be craving comfort and nostalgia so you’ll go back to things that bring you joy. Old movies, your fave TV shows, restaurants that evoke happy memories. Just avoid going back to exes because Mercury Retrograde is wreaking havoc and ghosts from your past are waiting in the wings.
Qualms that kicked off earlier this month will be exacerbated next week thanks to Mercury Retrograde opposing sassy pants Jupiter. Use this as a teaching moment and set boundaries where necessary.
Your dynamic with a certain someone is about to change as Mercury forms an opposition with Jupiter in Aries next week. As roles shift and you start to see things from a different perspective, you’ll have the chance to improve this relationship or step even further away if this isn’t possible.
Use your intuition next week and keeps your wits about you, Scorp. In particular pay close attention to your dreams and any other signs and symbols as Mercury Retrograde in your 12th house of spirituality will send cosmic messages your way.
Mercury Retrograde is all about ghosts from your past returning to your life but this isn’t always a negative thing! Next week, you’ll have the opportunity to reconnect with old pals who you haven’t spoken to in a while, even if this is just via DMs. It’s still contact and it’ll make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
Next week your focus will be on your career progression. What else is new, right? Keep your eyes peeled for sweet new opportunities and potential for growth because it could be within your grasp!
Next week don’t be afraid to alter your way of thinking and see things from another angle. This will actually be super beneficial for you as Mercury forms an opposition with Jupiter in your third house of communication. You won’t yield new and exciting results if you keep following old thought patterns!
Next week you’ll be riddled with money woes but I implore you to stop valuing yourself based on your financial sitch. Money is important and makes the world go round, sure. But you are way more than your bank account. Ensure you have enough to put food on your table and beyond that, place your value on more important shit.
Matty Galea is the Senior Entertainment Editor at PEDESTRIAN.TV, as well as our resident astrologer who pens our weekly horoscope series, ‘Your Horos Are Here’. He also Tweets about pop culture and astrology and posts spicy content on Instagram.The post Your Horos Are Here: Mercury Retrograde Will Bring Ghosts From Your Past Back To Haunt You, Sag appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .