Aries and Aries Rising
If you feel as though your words are repeatedly being overlooked, you have cosmic permission to make a ‘scene’. Anything that’s ruffling your feathers, you must address it in the here and now, rather than stew in the thick of it.
Things may feel a little hazy in the romantic department until the 20th which is when the fog begins to thin and you’ll see clearer than ever. Negotiate your needs and don’t be afraid to ask for what you truly desire. Channel your inner killer spirit and slay anything that doesn’t have your best interests at heart.
Taurus and Taurus Rising
Internally, January may have felt as though you were zooming down route 66 with reckless abandon, but this month you’re due to make a long term pitstop. Don’t worry, you don’t have to give up all of your freedoms, but you can certainly take a deeper look at what you’ve got and get a better sense of what’s worth your time. It’s viva la revolution in your day to day musings, and there’s no better way to feel alive.
Gemini and Gemini Rising
This month you don’t have to live inside a vacuum. Let loose like Anne Hathaway in that leopard print dress: go where you’re dying to explore as well as the places you call home.
Meanwhile, someone at work must have been sprinkling fairy dust on your desk, because your talents are set to be given more airtime. Now is the time to ask yourself: ‘What faux hang ups are blocking me from seeing career opportunities?’ The more honest you are with yourself this month, the more calculated you can be. Be sure to place yourself in the right place at the right time.
Cancer and Cancer Rising
No one gets to define your goalposts of success besides you and it isn’t up for a public debate. Don’t confuse advice with gospel, as your personal compass is only visible to you.
This is a month where the cold, hard truths of your relationship landscape will be presented in full bloom. In the name of Romeo and Juliet, only brutal honesty can reveal the true course of love. Either the truth brings you closer together, or it pushes you seas apart.
Leo and Leo Rising
The thrill of meeting your most authentic self while in a relationship is one of the most prized victories you can ever secure. This month, anything veering towards the superficial is placed on the chopping block. With deep reflection, you may come to the conclusion you never allowed certain people to see the real, messy you. It’s high time to confront why you may be performing to a distracted audience and bring the limelight back into you.
Virgo and Virgo Rising
We know you often go the extra mile for anyone who needs it, but take a pause before you overextend yourself into places where it can’t be well received. As you wake up from your slumber in the depths of Alice’s trippy Wonderland, call on your comrades for real, cold, hard feedback. Get them to hold a mirror up so that you can finally work out your blindspots. Beware: if you decide to walk back into a coma, you’ll be in for a rude awakening next month.
Libra and Libra Rising
Sit back and relax, because beauty, decadence and indulgence are your priority for the month. Surrender to the blissful moment in your very own little fantasy world. This is your chance to let go of the thoughts you’re overthinking and plunge into more full body experiences. As you float towards the end of the month, edging closer to dry land, you’ll have a clearer picture of the destination you’re sailing towards and how to navigate it.
Scorpio and Scorpio Rising
When adulting gets a little too rough, take the hand of your chubby inner child and run to freedom. Don’t be surprised if you find a missing piece from the jigsaw of your childhood under your feet. As you ride around this bittersweet circle, expect to feel fuller, more whole and a stronger sense of self. This new level of HD clarity will give you a leg up to meet your ambitions every step of the way, and there won’t be a doubt in sight.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising
Perspective lies in wisdom rather than fact. Even if there’s a part of you that wants to audition for the role of the villain in your story, be sure to take the high road. Sometimes proving you’re right may not breed the results you expect. Take a deep breath and try your hardest to see eye to eye with those you’re in conflict with and others will follow suit. As your mental landscape is mixed and remastered, let your capacity for compassion be the pillar you lean on.
Capricorn and Capricorn Rising
When it comes to your sense of identity, you’re finishing up a marathon of a journey. You’ve shed more skins than you can count thus far and finally you’re about to step into a whole new, revitalised you. Think about who, what and where you belong, before you embark on a full throttle trajectory of experimentation. Only surround yourself with other power players and avoid anyone that may attempt to syphon away your energy through unflattering imitation.
Aquarius and Aquarius Rising
Your next big moment is waiting in the wings, all you have to do is chuck away the societal script and trust you’re on the right track. If your path is already mapped out and stencilled in it’s probably not the correct route to success. Step into your Frida Kahlo swagger by experimenting and oiling the hinges of your non-conformist nature. When was the last time you looked up to the sky instead of down at the muddy pavement?
Pisces and Pisces Rising
Now is the time to get your last of your teenage dreams out of the way because you’re about to enter a whole new phase of maturity and responsibility. Ask yourself: ‘How can I give my words and actions more weight?’ There’ll be no more dropping red wine on the carpet, empty promises or making quick fire decisions that leave you reeling with regret in the morning. Before the month closes, throw yourself a wrap up season soiree and bid the previous you a nostalgic farewell.
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