Welcome to Virgo season! Whenever I visualise a quintessential Virgo character, Monica from Friends sweeps the stakes. Think neurotic levels of order and blunt quips paired with a high dose of nagging.
So, let’s cut to the chase. On the 14th, we are graced with a new moon in Virgo to bolster our clean beauty routines and refine anything that feels unfinished. This is the hour of perfect clarity and it’s the prime time to create a rough plan of how you want to steer the ship for the remainder of the year.
Congrats, if you’ve managed to avoid slipping into your ex’s DMs due to Mercury being in retrograde, which ends on September 15. Though if you haven’t, have a real think about how over them you actually are.
Fashion pageant season starts on the 23rd as Libra enters the ball. Unsurprisingly we have Kim Kardashian, Monica Bellucci and Cardi B frontiering the show wearing the Libra emblem with pride. Sliding the superficial aside, this is the zodiac era to focus on how your relationships are contributing to your growth. Towards the end of the month on the 29th, we have a full moon in Aries, which may be the fireball for you to release your creative energy into the world. But underneath this creative unearthing you may feel a little sour about how you’ve been repressing your rage, needs and desires.
Aries or Aries Rising
You are a beacon of creative power, but it’s essential that you have the right foundations for a tangible and sustainable experience. If you want to pave a strong legacy, you’re going to have to get real with how you’ve been managing your responsibilities. Open that letter that’s been sitting on the bottom of your stairs for weeks or clean behind the oven. Trust me, you’ll be better off for it in the long run. As you remodel the parts of your life that are messy, take the time you need to recharge your powerpack. Rest assured that you’ll feel a surge of inspiration to get the momentum going.
Taurus or Taurus Rising
Let your creative senses take up the room. Splatter your ideas on the wall. This doesn’t mean you have to entirely abandon the design of your previous previous plans, but you have the confidence to make a pivot based on the realistic rather than sheer hope. As you get clear on what’s next, you’ll get to meet fresh creative partners. Define the baseline of your standards so that you can conjure up some magic from your dream collaborators.
Gemini or Gemini Rising
Family and friends are at the heart of this month, and it’s a great time to recalibrate your work/life balance. This is a good time to see if the friendships you have are with people you can truly call family, as you may be feeling more sentimental than usual. Finding a place that helps you to feel like you belong will be your number one priority, as it can help ground you when you’re going through the motions. Someone in your network may recommend you to try something new which could be the key to unlocking a blockage that has been holding you back from the next stage of your evolution.
Cancer or Cancer Rising
Let go of the tunnel vision. You’ll be sure to gain fresh perspective on where you’re heading and it can help you to double down on your long term goals. When we’ve been working towards our goals for a long time it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. Carve out time to stay close to what matters and it’ll be the fuel you thought you lost to keep you going. In fact, you may have an a-ha moment at your desk, that can help you to challenge yourself to know that you’re capable of growing your ambitions instead of shrinking them. Who are your career mogul idols? When you study their steps you can see how they were granted their major growth points.
Leo or Leo Rising
The blinkers are off and you can see the light in your financial life where some habits and things have just got to go. You deserve to feel well compensated for how you distribute your gifts and skills in the world, and you can gain new insight into how you can work strategically instead of clocking up more hours. Do some side research on your work break and you may find out how seamlessly your skills cross over into different fields. If you’re savvy enough you can add these new discoveries to your repetoire for extra compensation. Either way, set some new financial intentions for the next few months and meet the universe halfway. Even in our uncertain economic times, you may be surprised to see what slips into your pocket.
Virgo or Virgo Rising
Strip everything away to get to the bare bone of things. Jump onto the clean beauty wagon and aim for simplicity. This month you’re given a boost of confidence to stand tall in who you are. This is the time for you to take powerful action when it comes to the decisions you’ve been chewing on for a while. There’s no time left to ignore important life choices. When you decide what you want to do, make sure that you’re at the centre of it and that you’re not just trying to appease anyone else. If any internal baggage pops up in the reclaim aisle, don’t be too quick to compratmentalise it. Your key assignment is to feel your emotions.
Libra or Libra Rising
This is a fabulous time to retreat into the forest like a maiden in a fairytale. Not only is it good for you, but you might just discover a new dream that you want to live out in real time. In the peace and quiet we can listen to the rhythm of our true voice in ways that we often overlook during busier seasons. The end of the month is a superbly potent time for you to express your hidden desires in and out of the bedroom. What is your version of romance and how have you communicated that with potential suitors? If you don’t speak up, that scratch will be hard to reach. But, if they aren’t equipped to give you what you need, you can flutter your wings elsewhere.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
Kindred spirits you can call friends are on the way. If you’ve been calling into the wind to serendeptiously meet new pals, new faces will appear out of the woodwork. This is a great time to take a leap out of your comfort zone. Go on, say something awkward or weird to know who you can get real with. True love exists in many places and it’s particularly important that you feel supported and held by those that you confide in. Plus, if you’ve fallen out with a mate, perhaps you’ll both feel the urge to put pride aside to meet in the middle.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
Gone are the days where you feel the pressure to settle for a stale career just to keep the lights on. As you feel this professional reset unfold, it’s essential that you assess what just isn’t working and why. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve been trying to climb the ladder if you’re on the wrong one. Consider things from all sides, because sometimes it’s you and sometimes it’s simply where you are. Give yourself time to broaden your perspective without wearing the cape of victimhood. Stay true to your creative voice and you’ll be fit and ready to emerge from the shadows and into your full glory.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
You might be feeling an itch to do away with the old order for a necessary renewal. If you’re ready to be brutally honest with yourself, peep into the void to reconsider everything you’ve known and lived. Instead of good girl gone bad, you might trade corporate life for bohemian living. At the same time, family and home are under the spotlight and you might feel some weight where you’ve been carrying other people’s burdens. Only wear what you can bear, as it’s key that you don’t feel like you have to play the saviour for everyone else but you. Be of service without feeling bound to servitude. If you don’t deal with the issues inside the house it’ll become visible to everyone on the street. You don’t want your dirty laundry on full display, do you?
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
This month dares you to ask yourself a crucial question: how much do you let yourself dive into the spring of intimacy? If you’ve been hiding your core self in your relationships, this is the perfect time to test the waters and reveal your true nature. You may realise that you need more closeness, but it’s going to take some intention setting for you to cultivate the right conditions for it to blossom. You never know, an unlikely love story may appear along the way. Give yourself some time away from your desk because you’re going to want to live life without too much pressure coming at you from elsewhere.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
This is a new turning point in your relationship circle, where false connections become clear and you can see through the underlying patterns that have been shaping and shifting them. Take time to reflect and think about what attracts you to your crushes, liaisons and even friendships, as you may recognise that they reflect something in you that you’re trying to harness yourself. We learn from those closest to us, so detach and see them as test subjects that are simply trying to show you a different way to show up in the world.