A heap of new experiential goals are about to roll out in decadent style. There’s no use in looking back, as the cosmos is urging us to design the future in the here and now.
On August 1st, we have the inventive Full Moon in Aquarius, the only sign that spurs us on to unleash the genius within. We’re not here to be carbon copies of anything beige, so create from your point of reference because no one else can.
When life feels like it’s getting a little too serious, remember to laugh at the folly. The New Moon in Leo on August 16th is the existential reminder we need to lead with innocent curiosity to lighten the load.
As we flip the page to Mercury Retrograde in Virgo on August 23rd (unironically the same day Virgo season begins), only speak what is necessary. It’s all too easy for long winded paragraphs to get lost in translation amongst the sea of chatter box gossip.
Though alas, the Full Moon in Pisces on August 30th is the medicine we need to transcend the BS and double down on what rings true to the heart.
Aries and Aries Rising
There’s always someone watching, and you have more impact on people and the world at large than you know. As the natural leader you are, remember that when you pour into yourself, you pour into what other people think is possible.
What do you need to let go of in order to unlock the power of your creative potential? By freeing up some mental space you can see what you want to craft in the world without being doused in doubt. Choose creation over consumption.
Taurus and Taurus Rising
Are you watering down what you truly want from life? This is a time of inner reckoning, where you may see how you’ve been playing down your most unique desires. This isn’t the time to hide what you secretly yearn for. By warming up to expose your visionary ideas in the public areana, the aversion therapy might just be the shock to the system that you need.
If you’ve been thinking about switching up your humble abode, you may get lucky with a home that fits your luxurious taste.
Gemini and Gemini Rising
Sometimes it’s not the world that’s standing in our way, sometimes it’s the perspective we cast upon it. How can you change the angle you’ve been looking at your future? Culture is always shapeshifting, but that doesn’t mean that you have to bend to it. Touch some grass, slack off social media and take a step back if the plague of comparison has been slipping in between the cracks. Perhaps the winding road along which life is guiding you is the route for you to meet your genius. As Mercury sachays into retrograde, be careful of being stuck playing the messenger. YOu didn’t sign up for that.
Cancer and Cancer Rising
What parts of you are hiding in your relationships? The intimacy you may be craving requires you to throw a bag or two in the furnace. We can’t melt in the comfort of vulnerability if we aren’t willing to trade a truth for a truth. However, it’s key that you are comfortable in the right connections to feel safe in revealing more of who you are.
In other news, this is a prime time to get more financially savvy and help you find a new door out of the rat race.
Leo and Leo Rising
In the words of Shakespeare, ‘All the worlds are a stage.’ Whip out your notepad and pen and take stock of which roles you’ve quietly assigned to the people in your network. Have they been filling their shoes appropriately? True kinship is a lifelong adventure and with it comes changing seats from time to time. How can you give the people around you the space to grow, but most importantly, what do you need in your friendships to thrive as the most expansive version of you? Even when friendships change, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road... think of it as a new juncture.
Virgo and Virgo Rising
If you could hack your life, what area needs the reinvention the most? Be concerned with what can be optimized to cut away anything that is less than functional. But at the same time, look at how you can restructure your networks so that you can get extra support for your goals. Sometimes our working habits need to change if we want to expand more than ever before. This month, only make promises that you know you’ll keep, as it may land you in hot water if you break your word.
Libra and Libra Rising
Expect a perspective shift that can support you to move away from a place that’s lacking into a place of opportunity. We often have more options than we think, and sometimes we have to try a new way to get there in order to get what’s ours. By keeping the long game in mind, choose to make some pivotal chess moves, as it’ll pay off in the end. But remember, once you make a move, you can’t turn back, so be as intentional and as honest as you can be with yourself about what you want. When you look out for someone else’s goals, you’ll have a kindred spirit looking out for you for life. Selflessness pays in unexpected ways.
Scorpio or Scorpio Rising
When you imagine your future self, where do you see yourself finding a place in the world? If you plan to set up shop somewhere without bounds, where comes to mind? You’ve probably felt like you’ve outgrown your hometown for a while, and that voice at the back of your mind will only get louder the more you snuff it out. Even if you don’t know how you can see yourself shaping a home, this is the prime moment to explore potential landscapes. You’ve been through a worldwind of change in recent years, and you’re no longer who you were even 5 years ago. Eventually, if we want to meet more versions of ourselves we have to be willing to pack up and go on a pilgrimage across the horizon. Additionally, the more you open your eyes to new spaces, the more you will believe in your career mission.
Sagittarius or Sagittarius Rising
You’re able to cut through what is no longer working to come to a more innovative solution. This is a powerful time to sit with your mind and see what stories emerge, as it will help you shape the next few months. Refrain from galloping too far into the Sun, as you don’t want to burn out before you’ve reached your destination. Remember, even if you’re tempted to copy someone else’s way, you’ll only have to turn back to follow your own constellations. Don’t waste your time.
Capricorn or Capricorn Rising
Whilst everyone is busying themselves with fanciful festivals and tropical holidays, your head is in the right game to build solid foundations. August is a downtime month for you and you can now see exactly what is in need of renovation. Before you pitch your next business project, it’s essential that you have the right structures in place to ground what you want to call in. By anchoring down on where you are, you give yourself the chance to master and strengthen your vision.
Aquarius or Aquarius Rising
You have full permission to let every version of you out of the bag. The world needs more of a taste of your strange, weird and wonderful ways. Don’t sacrifice your energy trying fit into any one box, in fact this month your genius demands it. Keep close to the thread that pulls you back to the desk, as your ideas can make more of an impact than you’ve ever dreamt of. You’ll likely be tested on how comfortable you are sharing the real you versus only showing the top layer.
Pisces or Pisces Rising
If you think you’ve lost the wonder for what the world has in store for you, a hopeful momentxthat you didn’t expect may be on the way. Even if we believe we’ve seen it all, when we’re open to surprise we can look beyond set backs to crack open something glorious. Surround yourself with art, creative thinkers and those who know the miraculous well. Take an unorthodox approach on your next career move, as it’s time to abandon any pre-written corporate rules.