STUDENTS took centre stage to show off their musical talents at Newcastle's iconic Civic Theatre.
For the 16th time, more than 400 young performers from across the Maitland-Newcastle Catholic Diocese dazzled audiences at the DioSounds concert.
St Paul's Booragul senior student Kirrily said it was an amazing opportunity to perform at the Civic Theatre.
"The moment on the stage is beyond compare, and to have the opportunity at Civic, I think I speak for every student when I say we are so grateful to the City of Newcastle, the CSO (Catholic Schools Office) and our teachers for allowing this to happen for us," she said.
"The best thing is meeting students from around the diocese and forming friendships beyond the theatre, and working together to bring pieces of music to life."
Fellow student Michael said being given the opportunity to perform in front of an audience with like-minded people was great.
"It makes more experiences of performing and is great for developing skills needed for HSC music performances that are coming up this year," he said.
DioSounds was established by Catholic School secondary music staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes to pull together a feast for the eyes and ears.
On Thursday night, the 'Walk Together' concert saw individuals, small ensembles, choirs and concert bands from across the diocese perform anything from contemporary rock to musical theatre and jazz.
St Paul's student Molly said she usually gets quite nervous in front of a crowd but the more opportunities she has to perform, the more naturally it comes to her.
"Performing at DioSounds gives a great opportunity of bringing friends together and so many great instruments to use," she said.
"DioSounds brings students from different schools with like minds to do what they enjoy most".
The showcase highlights the talents and energy of secondary students from 12 to 18 years old to a public audience on a professional stage.
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