A mum battling cancer has been rejected by landlords in her desperate bid to move closer to family.
Delilah May, 27, is desperate to be around loved ones for the sake of her three-year-old son Jake after she was diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer.
But her plan has proven harder than initially thought, with Delilah struggling to agree a new tenancy while her illness worsens.
Delilah currently has "a lovely home" with a good landlord and neighbours in Skelmersdale, Lancashire, according to her mum Christina May.
But she wants to be closer to relatives who live near Jake's nursery seven miles away in Ormskirk and Burscough, reports Lancashire Live.
"Family knew that she would need to be closer to them when she was having flare-ups and would also need someone to care for her and someone looking after Jake," Christina said.

"Fiercely independent, Delilah didn't want to move in with me so it was decided we would look for somewhere nearby and offer six months of rent in advance but we had no landlords accept her."
Delilah was not diagnosed with stage 4 cancer until last year, with medics initially dismissing the disease due to her young age.
The mum began experiencing bloating and pains in March 2021 and put this down to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
But when her symptoms got worse and she struggled to play with Jake, she took herself to the hospital.
Once the cancer was detected, it had already spread through her abdomen and she started treatment immediately.

She said: "I've had bloating throughout my whole adult life so I thought it was just IBS or something but it would not go away.
"Then I was getting pains in my back and sharp pains in my abdomen which was stopping me from being a mum.
"I couldn't go on the floor and play with my son and do things with him.
"Then one day at work my boss asked if I was okay and I just burst out crying and he sent me home and I went to see a doctor.
"I was in tears and begging for help and just sent me home with painkillers."
Delilah's mum Christina said doctors were unable to work out where the cancer had originated from so could not confirm how to treat her initially.

She added: "An operation was performed to save her life and chemo was started urgently.
"This gave her her life back and she was able to live her life for most of the time as the dedicated, fun and busy mum that she always wanted to be."
Still looking for somewhere closer to live and two months after her shock diagnosis, Christina found a new home in the area that the family thought could be perfect for Delilah.
It had two spare rooms, meaning carers could stay over when needed.
Thinking they had found the perfect property, Delilah applied with the offer of six months of rent to be paid in advance.
But attempts to secure a property have fallen on deaf ears since November last year.
One email stated that one prospective landlord was "looking for a tenant who is in full-time employment".
Delilah's situation sees her work part-time at the The Ship Inn at Haskayne as well as receive disability benefits due to her severe illness.
Mum Christina said: "Delilah applied with the advancement in the rent on top of her deposit, as an assurance that she was a tenant who could afford the home and would take care of it.
"As Delilah was unable to work while recovering from her operation, she was on disability benefits.
"Sadly we were emailed to say that the landlord did not want her as a tenant because she was not working full-time."
The family claims those letting properties they have spoken to are "not interested in hearing from her employers at The Ship Inn".
The Ship Inn at Haskayne, near Ormskirk, is hosting a fundraiser on June 25 to raise money for Delilah to "make memories with her son".
The pub will be hosting a ticketed live music event, starting at 3pm with a disco and various games.
There will also be hot food available and the opportunity to raise as much money as possible for Delilah and her family, with all funds going directly to them.
Delilah said: "That pub treats you like family and I just have absolutely no words for what they've decided to do for me.
"They are giving me the chance to make memories with my son and I think it's great and it's overwhelming that people want to donate."
Alongside a photo of Delilah and her son Jake, a pub spokesperson posted: "This is our beautiful Delilah May and her little boy Jake.
"A valued and much loved member of the Ship family and a devoted mother. Tragically recently Delilah fell ill and was given the news no young woman should ever hear
"She was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, Delilah is as brave as a lion and is battling with all she has for the sake of her son."