A young man has died after having a cardiac arrest during the midsummer solstice celebrations in Dartmoor National Park.
The incident happened at 10pm as crowds gathered to watch the sunset on the longest day on Tuesday, June 21.
Devon Air Ambulance landed after reports that the man, understood to be aged 22, had suffered a medical episode.
Police and land ambulance crews also attended but Plymouth Live reports the man was declared dead at the scene.
His next of kin have been informed.
Witnesses said the young man had been watching the sunset at Haytor.
Traditionally crowds gather at dawn and sunset on the longest day of the year at the Dartmoor beauty spot.

A Devon and Cornwall Police spokesman said: "Police were contacted by the Ambulance Service just before 10pm on Tuesday 21 June with reports of a man in his 20s in cardiac arrest following a medical episode at Haytor.
"Police along with air and land ambulance all attended but the man was declared deceased at the scene.
"His next of kin are aware and this death is not being treated as suspicious.
"A file is to be prepared for the coroner."
The Summer Solstice marks the beginning of the summer and revellers head out to historic sights including Glastonbury Tor and Stonehenge, where this year 6,000 were reported to have gathered overnight.

The summer solstice is on June 21 - the longest day of the year.
This is the day where it remains light for the longest period of time, with the sun rising early and setting late.
This year, in London, the sun rose at 4.43am, and sets at 9.21pm - so there was daylight for a whopping 16 hours, 38 minutes and 22 seconds for people in the south.
The further north you go, the longer the daylight time will be.
In Inverness the sun will rise 4.17am and set at 10.19pm; and in Lerwick on the Shetland Isles, they had 18 hours and 55 minutes as the sun rises at 3.38am and sets at 10.33pm.