YOUNG democrats from across Europe have pledged to support Scotland re-joining the EU should it vote for independence.
Delegations from youth wings of social democratic parties in Poland, Germany, Wales, the Netherlands and Denmark gathered on Calton Hill in Scotland’s capital on Sunday to sign “The Edinburgh Pledge” alongside members of the SNP’s youth wing, Young Scots for Independence (YSI).
The declaration saw signatories agree to campaign for a more democratic Europe that “empowers its citizens, tackles inequalities and acts decisively on the climate crisis”.
The pledge added: “We support Scotland becoming a member of the European Union when it votes for independence in a legal and internationally recognised referendum.
“We to continue advancing our international links and fostering solidarity and cooperation.”
Calton Hill served as an iconic spot for the signing given it has played host to a number of Scottish independence demonstrations over the years as well as protests prior to Scotland getting its own parliament.
In 2004, the Declaration of Calton Hill – created by the Scottish Socialist Party – called for an independent Scottish republic at the same time Queen Elizabeth officially opened the Scottish Parliament building.
The pledge was made on the final day of the YSI’s first-ever international conference, which saw young democrats get involved in workshops and panel discussions on topics such as escaping the damage of Brexit, the SNP’s approach to foreign affairs, the role of the Scottish Parliament and building a wellbeing economy.
Olaf Stando, YSI international officer, said: "Scotland is a proudly international country, looking outward into the world, and while Brexit Britain attempts to drag us into a narrow world view, young people are taking a strong stand to reject that.
"That's why on Calton Hill, Scotland's young Yes activists and YSI members joined forces with five international delegations to sign our Edinburgh Pledge of internationalist and cooperation.
"Youth parties from several countries and party groupings know that Scotland's home is at the heart of the EU."
Signatories of the pledge included youth wings of parties from Germany, Poland, the Netherlands and Denmark (Image: NQ)
One of the signatories included DWARS, the youth wing of green Dutch party GroenLinks, which stands for left-wing and progressive ideals with a particular focus on climate policy.
Anne Wentink, vice chair of the DWARS national board, said: “As an organisation we’re fighting for a greener future together and we want to do that with as many people as possible, including the Scottish.
“When we were invited to come here we were excited to meet some Scottish friends and to discuss topics like climate and the European Union together.”
Asked what she felt Scotland can bring to the EU, Wentink added: “I think there’s a lot of historical background that is really valued in Europe.
“I think the more the merrier. Having Scotland on board would be good to help with climate policies. I believe the SNP is very left wing and progressive and we need more of that.”
Rasmus Emborg, who was representing the Danish Social Democratic Youth, said it was important for the Nordic countries to cooperate with Scotland in a world that is “becoming more fragmented”.
Emborg, who also president of the Nordic Youth Council, told The National: “From working in Nordic politics, and from a Danish perspective as a small state, there is a need for us countries that have similar history, culture and values in freedom, democracy and human rights to increase cooperation in a world that’s becoming more fragmented.
“We see the geopolitcal landscape changing and I’m afraid of what my generation is going to face 30 or 40 years from now.
“Take for instance the fight in Ukraine; that’s a fight that’s on behalf of all democratic countries, of all citizens that should be able to lead their version of the good life and we have Russia as an immediate threat, but after that we have China with Xi Jinping with his Chinese dream which is threatening us.
“In that world order, it’s crucial we work together as small countries. It’s obvious for us to do that because we have so many shared values and culture between the Nordic countries and Scotland specifically.
Jakob Hass, from the German SPD’s youth wing Jusos, added: “I think it’s important for us as social democrats to support democracy, not just in our own country but anywhere in the world as we consider ourselves as internationalists.
“We are really hoping that more people get into that case in Scotland because I think there’s a lack of education about this. Scotland has a mandate and the UK Government does not let the SNP and Scotland have a choice.”
The full list of signatories also included Mlodzi Razem – the youth wing of the Social Democratic Left in Poland – and the youth wing of Plaid Cymru, Plaid Ifanc.
Stando added: "A lot of the youth leaders who came to our conference might soon be MPs and ministers in their countries. Fostering these relationships will be crucial for an independent Scotland to be as widely recognised as possible.
"We have plenty to learn from our international friends and by building new platforms of cooperation, we can help reinvigorate our domestic policy as well, while they can borrow many policies we have passed in Scotland.
"This is only the start of our work."