A young boy was 'attacked' by a 'bear-like' dog when playing football with his friends.
The traumatic incident allegedly saw 11-year-old Jace bitten in the leg, causing punctures and bite marks to the skin and severe bruising before it was reported to the police.
His mum has now spoken out after the alleged attack in Light Oaks Park, Salford on Friday.
Mum Lauren Davison says the owner of the animal left immediately afterwards, and is raising awareness to prevent others facing the same fate. She rushed to the park shortly after 7pm after after a worried call from his friends' phone to find her son distressed and bleeding after the incident.
She said: "He had been playing football on the field with his friends, and then this dog has just ran over to him to attack him and bit him on the leg. He ran as fast as he could but the dog chased him before the owner grabbed the dog by the collar.

"It's close to where we live, so he called me from his friends' phone and told me he had been bitten. When I got there, the owner had already gone, he didn't wait with him to check he was okay or anything.
"I reported it to the police because I have no idea who this man is. My son said he was with another small dog, also not on a lead.
"I took him to hospital because the bite had pierced through his skin. There is one main piercing and there is bad bruising all around it. They dressed it and gave him some antibiotics.
"I am going to worry about it now, mainly because we don't know who this guy is and the dog hasn't been found. I don't want this to happen to anyone else and it could've been a lot worse. He was really shaken up after it."
Mum Lauren added they suspected the dog was a Caucasian Shepherd type of breed, and said it was 'bear-like' in its appearance. Greater Manchester Police have since confirmed the incident was reported as involving a dog, and that they are investigating.
A spokesperson said: "This was reported on Sunday morning but relates to an incident involving an 11-year-old off Claremont Road at around 7.15pm on Friday evening. Investigation is ongoing. Log number is 994 19/06/22."