Tight hips after a long day of sitting? You’re not alone. But, according to Stretchologist, Rachele Gilman, an expert in movement, tight hips are more than just about struggling to touch your toes or sit comfortably at your desk.
“When your hip mobility is limited, it affects your entire body's movement patterns, forcing you to compensate in ways that can lead to back pain, knee problems, and poor posture,” says Rachele. “Whether you're squatting at the gym, sitting on a plane, or going for a run, restricted hip movement can turn everyday activities into potential sources of discomfort.”
You don't have to sit in despair though as Rachele has shared a simple stretch routine that will help to open up your tight hips from a range of angles and improve overall flexibility. You won’t need any equipment either, so you can do them anytime, anywhere, with just your body and a little space. If your posture could also do with a little TLC, then make sure you check out her top three stretches for your chest, shoulders and neck.
1. Knee to chest stretch
"This is a great stretch to relax the hips, glutes and thighs, which can pull on pelvis and lower back," says Rachele. "It also helps alleviate lower back tension and promotes spinal flexibility."
How to:
- Lie on back, both knees bent, feet flat on floor
- Extend left leg along floor and flexibility toes
- Draw right knee toward chest
- Clasp hands either behind thigh or at top of shinbone
- Keep spine lengthened, tailbone on floor
- Avoid lifting hips
Hold for 20 seconds then repeat on the other leg, do this three times
2. Butterfly stretch
This stretch is ideal for beginners and if you suffer from back pain, as it doesn't require you to lie down. "Not only does the butterfly stretch give an excellent stretch in the hips and groin area by opening them up, but it helps relieve lower back tension," says Rachele.
How to:
- Sit with the soles of your feet pressed together and draw your heels as close to the groin as comfortable
- Take hold of your feet with both hands, sitting tall, and lengthening through spine
- Gently press your knees toward ground using your elbows, keeping your back straight, and avoid rounding the spine
Press and hold for 30-45 seconds, do this three times
3. Kneeling hip flexor to quad stretch
For those who sit for very long periods a day, Rachele highly recommends this stretch. "It opens up the front of the hips and thighs to counteract prolonged sitting," she says.
How to:
- Start in a kneeling position with your right foot forward and knee at 90 degrees
- Place your left knee on ground (use padding if needed)
- Keeping your torso upright, and back straight, gently press the hips forward while maintaining neutral spine
- Drop your tailbone under and don't let your rib cage flair
- For quad stretch, reach back with right hand to grab left foot
- Pull heel toward buttocks while maintaining forward hip position
Press and hold for 30-45 seconds. Repeat on opposite side and do this three times
4. Pigeon stretch
This a pose that's also used in Pilates and yoga because, as well as opening up the hips, it can relieve built up lower body tension. "It's a deep hip opener that increases mobility and can help with chronic hip or back pain," says Rachele.
- Begin on all fours and bring your right knee toward your right wrist
- Place your right ankle in front of your left hip
- Slide your left leg back and point your toes
- Flex the front foot and (if comfortable) walk your hands forward to fold the upper body forward
Hold for 45-60 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side and do this three times
5. Seated figure four
Now, there are no excuses for not being able to incorporate this stretch into your working day, as you can do it straight from your chair. "It targets psoas, piriformis, hip flexors, hamstrings and quads while increasing hip mobility and protecting the lower back."
How to:
- Lie on back with knees bent, feet flat on floor
- Cross right ankle over left thigh near knee
- Keep right foot flexed to protect knee
- Thread hands through gap to hold back of left thigh
- Gently pull left thigh toward chest
- Use right elbow to press right knee away gently
- Keep low back pressed into floor
- Hold for 25 seconds
- Repeat on opposite side
Hold for 25 seconds, then repeat on the opposite side and do this three times