Whether you live alone or with someone else, there’s always one thing waiting for you at home – laundry. It’s there on good days and bad, through thick and thin, calling your name from the laundry basket brimming with dirty clothing.
Unfortunately, laundry doesn’t care if you have health issues, which was the case with this redditor. But since she had a surgery to go through, her husband took over laundry duty. Though, the second she was back, he had comments about it. Scroll down to find the full story below.
Laundry is something that will likely be by your side for the rest of your life

Image credits: asphotostudio / Freepik (not the actual photo)
This man made a comment about laundry after his wife had just come home from surgery, which didn’t make her feel any better

Image credits: ufabizphoto / Freepik (not the actual photo)

Image credits: i_hate_my_username4
Many couples argue over who should do the chores

Image credits: rawpixel.com / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Whether we like it or not, there are always chores waiting for us. More times than not, there are dishes to be washed, laundry to be done, things to be put away, and if not that then floors to be mopped, you get the idea.
Having to constantly take care of things like that can be seriously annoying and even strain people’s relationships who live under the same roof who are also responsible for the chores piling up. However, the same people can make it easier to tackle it all, too, if the tasks are somehow shared among the residents.
A survey of adult Americans, carried out by Yelp and OnePoll, found that chores not only can but do strain the relationship of many couples living together – as much as 80% of respondents admit they have disagreements with their significant other over housework; one-fifth of the 80% say they have them often.
According to the survey, the most common causes of chore-related disagreements relate to the questions of when to do chores, how to do them, and who should do them. Seeking to avoid such disagreements—or to avoid having to do certain chores—some people go to great lengths and even lie to their partner or purposefully do a bad job at tidying up or cleaning.
Women are more likely than men to take on the responsibility of doing laundry

Image credits: krakenimages.com / Freepik (not the actual photo)
Yelp’s survey found that men are more likely than women to make an effort to get out of doing chores. So, it’s no surprise that women continue to bear more responsibility regarding the main household tasks, Gallup reports. According to said source, married or partnered heterosexual couples (in the US, at least) tend to divide chores along largely traditional lines, with the females being primarily responsible for doing the laundry (58%), cleaning the house (51%), and preparing meals (51%), while men take on the responsibilities of keeping the car in good condition (69%) and doing yardwork (59%).
Gallup revealed that while 58% of respondents say that laundry is usually taken care of by the woman in their household, 13% say it’s the man who braves the laundry basket more often, and 28% tackle it as a team. Be that as it may, for many people—male and female—doing the laundry is not that big of a burden; some might even enjoy it. According to the American Cleaning Institute’s (ACI) 2019 National Cleaning Survey, laundry is the cleaning task Americans enjoy doing the most (followed by cleaning countertops, vacuuming, and doing dishes, respectively).
It’s unclear whether or not the OP or her husband enjoys doing the laundry, but it has to be taken care of, nevertheless. And while it is usually the OP that does it in their family (as she shared in the comments under the post), her husband took over when she had the surgery, which was followed by him making a comment that split netizens into camps about the situation.
The woman provided more details in the comments

Many netizens didn’t think the woman was a jerk in the situation

Some people believed that everyone involved was a jerk

Some redditors took the husband’s side