It’s a common misconception that when we want to burn calories you have to do cardio and, for many, that means lacing up their running shoes and hitting the treadmill. But did you know you can use weights for cardio? That’s right, picking up a pair of weights can burn plenty of calories too and is far gentler on your joints. If that sounds more up your street, then try this 20 minute workout. All you need is a pair of dumbbells and you’re ready to go!
Lifting weights is also an excellent fat burner too. This is because it increases your ‘resting metabolic rate’ (RMR), which is the amount of calories your body burns while at rest. That means you’ll be burning calories after your workout, whereas with traditional aerobic exercise (running, rowing, cycling) you only burn calories during the workout—with weights you get both. This particular workout also follows a circuit format, with very short rest periods, keeping intensity high to elevate your heart rate, and combines compound exercises to strengthen lots of muscles at the same time.
You can always substitute the dumbbells for kettlebells if needed or, if you’re at home with access to no gym equipment, grab a backpack and fill it up with small items—you can still row, lunge, press and squat using it. Work your way through the exercises below, resting for 20 seconds between each exercise. Then, once you’ve finished all of them, take a 90 second break before repeating it two more times. Here’s what you’re in for:
- Reverse lunge – 20 reps (10 per side)
- Goblet squats – 12 reps
- Romanian deadlift – 12 reps
- Shoulder press – 12 reps
- Overhead tricep extension – 12 reps
- Bent over row – 12 reps
- Russian twist – 20 reps (10 per side)
If you enjoyed this workout, then you’ll love this 30 minute circuit, which combines compound exercises and combination movements, to get your heart pumping and muscles burning. For those days time just isn’t on your side though, but you still want to be committed to moving your body, try this three-move circuit—no equipment required, just your bodyweight and 10 minutes of your time.