It might sound counterintuitive, but to be a better runner, you need to do more than just run. Incorporating a small amount of strength training into your exercise routine will make running feel more comfortable and improve your speed and power.
Physical therapist Sam Caddick recently shared a routine designed to do just that. It features six moves you can do from home.
How to do Sam Caddick's wall strength routine for runners
The main thing you'll need to complete this workout is access to a wall. On top of this, you'll need some weights—this could be a pair of dumbbells, but if you don't have any Caddick recommends filling up a backpack and using that.
Caddick outlines the repetitions (reps) for each movement in his video, advising you to complete three to five rounds in total.
He also discusses RPE, which is the rate of perceived exertion, AKA how hard you feel like you're working (where one is minimum effort and 10 is maximum). For this workout, Caddick recommends aiming for a seven or an eight on each exercise.
The moves are:
- Wall sit
- Kickstand Romanian deadlift
- Single leg glute bridge isolation hold and calf raise
- Wall drive
- Leg bridge to wall catch
- Quadruped hip swing out to kick out
- Loaded hip airplane
The benefits of strength training for runners
Adding strength exercises to your weekly routine is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your body as a runner. It will build muscle around load-bearing joints like your ankles and knees, which can prevent injuries. If you want to run long distances, strength training is a must.
It could help you run faster, too, particularly if you practice plyometric exercises. These exercises are designed to improve your explosive power by targeting and training your fast-twitch muscle fibers. Examples include the leg bridge to wall catch, demonstrated above, and jump-based exercises like box jumps and squat jumps.