Women are told from a very young age that having it all is totally possible, when the reality is far different. Frankie from The Traitors just got very real about this expectation, in conversation with Gabby Logan.
Frankie from The Traitors was the unexpected breakout star of season 3. She remained quietly but confidently in the background of the game, building relationships and unassumingly placing herself as a confidante of many group members to make it to the final.
Actually a key member of The Traitors castle, it was a blow for Frankie when she was voted to have the most 'irrelevant' opinions of all the contestants. She had no reason to be upset however, because she'd actually played an excellent game and had masterfully placed herself as the complete opposite of irrelevant.
Now the game is over, Frankie is gaining a huge amount of recognition - she is clearly excellent at her her interior design job, and hordes of new fans follow her on Instagram for the most incredible interiors inspiration and stunningly curated home aesthetics.
Of course, nobody will ever forget Frankie for being one of the best dressed contestants The Traitors has ever seen. However, as a single mum to four boys, Frankie is rapidly becoming a voice of authority when it comes to the pressure society places on mothers, and how to model behaviour to our children that doesn't keep unrealistic expectations of women being passed through generations.
In conversation with Gabby Logan during her The Mid Point podcast, Frankie eloquently presented arguments for just how ridiculous it is to expect women to have it all. "At school I was always told that you could have it all," Frankie began.
She continued, "You can be a career woman, you can be a mother, you can do all this. You've just got to be fierce and do it. And you can't do it all, it's not physically possible."
The Traitors star moved on to talk about how the 'having it all' message presents itself to women as having to have all of the things all at the same time. Her message is clear - you can definitely have it all, but life and just being plain sensible, dictates you just need to spread 'the things' out.
"That's why I'm lucky that this experience has happened now, rather than younger," Frankie said, alluding to her appearance on the show and everything happening in the aftermath.
"You have to prioritise. It doesn't mean that you don't have those dreams to do something adventurous and different, it just means you can't necessarily do it all at the same time.
"It's prioritising as you go along, and I think that is more of an example to set to your kids, rather than saying you can try these things but have to rush to do it all now," she says, to the relief of women balancing unrealistic expectations everywhere.
Frankie asserts the very real need to realise when you no longer have capacity and have to acknowledge there are things you just can't do. In this instance, her advice is to say to yourself, "I can't do it right now, I don't have the confidence or the energy, but it doesn't mean you're not going to feel that way later."
We adore the calm, collected, assured way Frankie delivers her perfect arguments - you can be a role model to your children in whichever way suits you, your situation and your feelings - and you certainly don't have to work yourself into the ground to prove you can do everything all at once. Thank you Frankie - your voice never was irrelevant, and it's being heard now more than ever.
Shop Frankie's Style
During the podcast, Frankie wore a stunning rust coloured corduroy maxi dress, very similar to this equally stunning one from ME+EM. Channel your inner Frankie by getting yourself one for your own wardrobe.