So Dramatic! podcast
The Bachelor Australia
The Bachelors
have an acting background? No. Do we still want to see which cheesy ads and extra roles appear on their IMDb pages? You betcha.
The has revealed that a bunch of the gals on the new season of, titled to accomodate for the three lead blokes, appear to be in it for the fame (and possibly love, who the hell knows anymore).
Here’s which 2023 The Bachelors contestants are actors…
Not only does this brunette babe have a history in dating reality shows, but she actually won a series a few years back!
came first in the short-lived series in 2019.
Have a go of this, will ya?
One can only assume that the marriage crashed and burned shortly thereafter (as they tend to do with these shows).
Not only that, but an insider told that Leah’s despo to become famous.
“It’s super-cringe how desperate she is to be famous. She does full launch parties to build up hype. She’s a bit intense,” the shady source said.
The source also revealed that she was cast in the most recent season of but backed out when she got .
“She’s desperate to be famous and has been for years. She has previously been on The Proposal then got fully cast for the last season of and did the entire process for that [sic],” they said.
“Then came calling so she aborted her mission on thinking she would get more attention from .”
So that’s three reality shows she’s signed up for? Hm…
According to , has a now-deleted StarNow profile which is kinda suss, if ya ask me.
The profile listed her as an actor and model.
Her biggest role is working as a background actor for when it was filming in Sydney.
I wonder if hit on her since …
Ya know who definitely did hit on her? Justice Crew member , the twin brother of the
An unnamed contestant told the poddy that she tried to flex her Justice Crew connection in the mansion “but no one cared. Everyone was rolling their eyes.”
Old mate isn’t an actor, per se, but she has appeared on another reality show: the upcoming season of.
Yep, she’s to drop a huge bombshell on the bride-to-be.
According to ,Tomlinson rocks up to the wedding of and and immediately pulls Schofield aside to tell her some hot goss.
Tomlinson reportedly informs Schofield that her future husband cannot be trusted, and has been sleeping around with another unnamed contestant.
Starring in two of the country’s biggest dating shows simultaneously is certainly… a choice.
Another babe, another StarNow profile. Only this one hasn’t been scrubbed from the internet (yet).
Jess is an actor and promo model. Here she is all tizzed up while modelling for a bridal range:
When she’s not acting and modelling, she works at children’s parties as a Disney princess and Elsa impersonator.
This isn’t the first time you’ve seen on a dating show.
She previously starred on in 2017.
Have a watch of .
She was also set to star in in 2019 but ditched the show when she started dating none other than
And he’s not the only star she’s dated!
She later moved on to and according to an insider, she name-dropped him quite a bit in the mansion.
At one point a fellow babe even called her on it, allegedly saying: “Babe just shut up about it. You’re old news.”
The insider claimed: “Tash was like, ‘I’m not old news. I’ve been in the Daily Mail’. She said that on camera. It was so embarrassing. I feel like that’s something you don’t want to brag about.”
So it looks like we’ve got a few secret actors and clout chasers in our midst, but who among us is surprised?
Leah Cummings
Leah Cummings The Proposal So Dramatic! Farmer Wants A Wife Bachie Farmer Wants a Wife Bach Farmer Wants A Wife The BachelorAlesia Delaney
So Dramatic! Alesia Delaney The Great Gatsby Leonardo DiCaprio she was in his age range during filming Lenny Pearce new purple skivvy bloke in The Wiggles.Jess Tomlinson
Jess Tomlinson Married at First Sight the one who reportedly stops one of the weddings on MAFS Daily Mail Bronte Schofield Harrison Boon BachelorJess Navin
BachieTash Candyce
Tash Candyce First Dates her incredibly awks date via Daily Mail Australia Married at First Sight The Bachelorette’s Michael Turnbull. The Bachelorette Agostino “Aggi” Guardiani Bachie The Bachelors continues tonight at 7:30pm on Ten. Missed episode one? Check out our recap!The post Yikes: A Bunch Of Bachie Babes Have Already Been Outed As Secret Actors & Wannabe Influencers appeared first on PEDESTRIAN.TV .