We haven't seen Jamie (Wes Bentley) do all that much so far this season (except get frustrated by hipsters and their coffee), but he has a big decision to make in Yellowstone season 2 episode 3, one between his political career and the relationship with his family.
Elsewhere, Kayce (Luke Grimes) and Monica (Kelsey Asbille) continue to struggle to see eye-to-eye on their relationship and navigate their new arrangement, while John makes some moves to ensure the future he wants. Plus, we get to meet a pair of new characters that have a bone to pick with Dan (Danny Huston).
Let’s touch on these and more in this Yellowstone season 2 episode 3 breakdown.
John preps Kayce
Kayce is now officially the man in charge at the ranch, but he still has to establish himself. John (Kevin Costner) first tests him on where he plans to take the cattle, one that Kayce passes. However, he's having a harder time with the cowboys. They question the way he wants them to move the herd, but Rip (Cole Hauser) tells them to shut up and fall in line. Rip may not be thrilled about losing his job to Kayce, but he's going to do what John asked him and back Kayce up and make sure no one questions him.
Later, John gets ready for Kayce to become a Livestock agent so he can protect the Yellowstone and other ranches like it. First they have to make sure he doesn't have any prior or outstanding arrests, which he doesn't (John calls it a miracle). Kayce is worried he can't pass a polygraph test or a psych evaluation, but John says he won't have to take them. He does want to know why Kayce wouldn't pass a psych evaluation, to which Kayce just says his whole life.
Making deals
Dan and Rainwater (Gil Birmingham) officially sign the deal for the casino. To the press, Rainwater calls it a new way for the nation and Montana. But that's not the only deal that he is making.
Governor Perry (Wendy Moniz) informs Jamie not only is Cassidy Reid (Kelly Rohrbach) running against him, John had her steal his platform. Perry tells Jamie there's a difference between holding office and running for office — when you're running, winning is the only thing that matters. That's why she has him meet with Rainwater, who wants to back his campaign. Jamie is hesitant to side with one of John's enemies, but Rainwater tells him without his help Jamie will lose. Jamie asks for the day to think it over.
Monica and Kayce, meanwhile, still can't make a deal on their marriage. Kayce visits her in faculty housing and tries to be gracious, offering to help out by giving her some money. Kayce doesn't know what to do without her, that she is his only friend. She says he's her only friend too, but she's disappointed that he went back to work with John and ran instead of fighting for the life he wanted. Kayce tells her if she wanted him to do something different, she should have asked for that.
John and Perry meet up at a restaurant. While she commends John for his move picking Cassidy Reed, she is disappointed he's against Jamie, believing he could have served both of their needs. But John believes Jamie is just seeking approval, which means popularity will be the thing that he is loyal to once elected. He's looking to have Jamie step out of the race before that happens, and if she tries to fight him, John will be looking for her replacement next. Perry moves the conversation off politics and onto family, asking John when was the last time he asked them how their day was. John doesn't see the point of that.
The two of them then reignite their affair, heading to a hotel room. However, Perry stops things before they get too far. She asks John if he'll ever fall in love again. He quickly says no. She agrees, admitting she still misses her husband after being gone for 10 years. John says that's how you know it was true love.

Finally, Beth (Kelly Reilly) wants to know how Rip is liking the deal he made, letting Kayce take over the ranch and he's stuck doing menial chores. She says he could get a job at any other ranch, but Rip says he isn't leaving. Beth chides him, saying "look what loyalty has given you." But Rip just looks out at the majestic valley and sarcastically replies, "yeah, it's awful ain't it."
The bad guys
The episode is not subtle as it introduces two new bad guys to the season, Malcolm Beck (Neal McDonough) and Teal Beck (Terry Serpico), with all the stuffed animals in their office. When they hear about the casino deal between Rainwater and Dan, they immediately decide to pay Dan a visit.
They tease Dan for getting involved with John Dutton, saying they know better and just let him operate in his lane and they operate in theirs. But now Dan has gotten into their lane opening the casino. They tell him Rainwater is going to nullify his deal and get all the money. They want him to work with them or they'll revoke his liquor licenses (Malcolm heads up the Montana Liquor Board). Dan says no, getting angry and ready to play dirty.
Jimmy also has an uncomfortable run in at the store with some old "friends." Owing them some money, they tell Jimmy to go in and buy supplies to make drugs. Jimmy almost does, but decides against it. When they confront Jimmy about it, he knocks them down and runs back to Avery and the truck to try and get out of there. The goons smash the truck window though and try to grab Jimmy. Avery (Tanaya Beatty) uses a can of bear spray to get them off (and gets some on Jimmy as well). When asked about it later, Jimmy says the spray went off by accident, avoiding an awkward moment for him and Avery.
Not really a bad guy, but an emerging obstacle in the Kayce and Monica situation is Monica's physical therapist, Martin (Martin Sensmeier). He invites her to an Indian relay race, but Monica clarifies that she is married.
Jamie's choice
Jamie tells Christina (Katherine Cunningham) that he won't let John's enemies fund his campaign. Christina encourages him to find his compass, so Jamie goes for a walk. He just happens to end up at Beth's office.
Despite saying she owes him nothing for everything he's done, when he asks for honest advice Beth tells him he's not a narcissistic politician, just desperate, and everyone can see it. That'll ultimately destroy him and John too. She tells Jamie he should think about everyone else in his life and do what's best for them.
The next morning Jamie tells Christina he won't work with Rainwater, ending his campaign. She's pissed and tells him to leave.
At the Yellowstone, John tries to have an actual, non-work related conversation with Beth and Kayce, but to no success. Then Jamie comes in, saying he withdrew. John immediately welcomes him back. Beth can't help but give a devilish laugh to his situation. John leaves the table and heads outside, where he sees Rip dutifully working. Talking to his late wife, he says "damn you for leaving me."
Yellowstone season 2 episodes air Sundays on CBS, while full seasons of Yellowstone can be streamed on Peacock in the US and Paramount Plus in the UK.